Chapter 28

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Ashley did end up meeting Asher. She successfully ended up falling into bed with him but later on after convincing him she was pregnant and getting married. She realized she wasn't. The baby never happened simply because it was never made. All the tests showed negative and she didn't know how to tell Asher. How to tell him she had a baby but now she doesn't. Should she lie and say she lost it? Well that's the only option.

Asher was devastated but he still continued his marriage with his beautiful wife because he knew Mallory needed a mother figure. And there was always later for a kid. They tried over and over but to no success. A year later and Ashley had enough. She felt Asher was gaining his distance and the only thing to stop was to have a baby, but it just wasn't working. So she went to the one guy she knew wouldn't mind donating. Of course she still didn't know his name but his plan wouldn't work if Asher wasn't sealed to Ashley so he agreed and then Ashley finally became pregnant and told Asher it was his.

Kate's POV

I didn't know what to do. Ashley knew about me? And who was that guy, Ryan? Who is he? And how does he know about me? I wasn't safe anymore, But neither was my family. Family? I had a family to protect. And she was apart of something big. How could they know about me and my gang name and my family? What happened! What did I miss?

I lay awake all night thinking about it. My family. The gang. The deaths of them all. Who killed them? Whoever did wasn't finished. Maybe they have something to do with Ashley and Ryan. Then I started thinking about how perfect my life would have been.. If maybe I told Asher I was pregnant so long ago. Or maybe if I never got in that limo... I would still have my baby Cameron. But no. Of course not. I can't keep thinking about what ifs. What I do know, is I'm going to find my parents, and kill them. They took Cameron from me and I fully plan on getting her back. But Asher and Mallory... They were in trouble too. Dammit how did I get myself into such a stupid predicament. No I just couldn't. My sleep was going to have to wait. I had to take care of things before it was to late. I got up and put on some old clothes I haven't worn in a long time. My black tights and black tank top. Then I added my worn out converse and put my pistol in the back of my pants. I grabbed my blade and strapped it to my leg. I knew I was in for a fight. But I was going to do whatever it took. I'm mad. Angry. Maybe that's what is driving me to do something I've only dreamed of doing.


The two story mansion was so odd to her. All her childhood dreams were flashing in front of her. This is the house she grew up in after all. Where she brought friends over and partied. The place she called home and the place she felt fake. This was the fake her. This is where Katherine Parks died and Kate Parks was born. This was the place she knew she would never come back to. But here she was. A trained assassin ready to kill. Ready for blood. She put on her black gloves and snuck in from the back door like she use to do when she came home late trying to avoid her dads deadly raft and punishments. Her footsteps were silent up the spiral staircase and she came face to door with the only blockage from her and two people she hated. Her hand met the door knob and slowly, she turned it. Revealing two sleeping figures. She stepped over to the side she knew her mother would be on and lowered herself to where their faces were level. She had done this thousands of times. Killing without remorse. No hind of fear or regret. It's how she was suppose to do things. It kept her and her family alive. Her mothers slow breathing brought her back to reality and without hesitation, she shot her head.

Her dad arose with a startle and looked at Kate with a fear she had once shown him a year ago in an old abandoned warehouse. Now she knew why he didn't show remorse. Why he didn't regret what he did. Why he had an evil look. Because it's the only thing keeping him from going crazy. When you kill someone, something in you dies. Call it your humanity. In order to keep it from taking over and making you cry or faint. You have to pretend it's not there. So that's what I did. I pretended that I felt no remorse for the dead body in front of me and the future one that was shakily standing trying to show his fear but she knew it was fake. She knew he would dive for his gun and kill her if she gave him the chance to think she believed in his fear. Instead she walked up to him and whispered, "My family comes first." And shot the side of his head. She put the gun in his hand making it look like a suicide and walked out down the hallways.

I was hoping with that sentence to clear a few things up. The hidden message being, he was not my family. My walking froze mid-step when I heard crying. A baby crying. I ran down the hall to the source as fast as I could and when I slammed the door open. A baby's room replaced my old room. I looked over the railing of a bed to see a small red head. Oh. My. God.

"Cameron." My voice cracked and I fell to the ground on my knees. I was just so exhausted. I thought she was... Dead. I thought they took her from me to kill her. Tears came to my eyes out of happiness. I may have a fucked up life but one thing did turn right. I still have my baby. She's still here with me. And I fully intend on taking her home.

My baby's still alive.

---hopefully two or three more chapters left. Hoping to finish this soon!----

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