Chapter 32

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Kate's POV:

I saw Jake turn towards Asher with his gun and instincts kicked in. I pulled my gun out of my back and shot him with ease. This was going to trigger the men around the room to start firing. I had approximately 8 seconds before one hits me so I shot the two holding Asher then tackled him sending the couch to tip over and block their shots from hitting us. I tried to look over but a bullet went right by me so I stayed down. "Are you okay?" I asked Asher. His face was full of shock. He nodded slowly then looked at me with pride. "I'm quite proud of you." He said and kissed my cheek swiftly but I had to watch for the men with guns to notice even though my cheeks blushed a little. Suddenly all shots stopped, but silence never came. Instead shouts and cries were heard around the room. "Kate. Come out. We wouldn't want anything to happen to poor old Cameron now do we?" Shit.

I panicked. What else was there to do? Remembering that I shot two along with Jake, that leaves 4 men and one is holding Cameron. I knew I would risk my life for her but I hesitated. There had to be some other way right? Something... But before I stood and showed my defeat, three shots rung through the air. I gasped and raised slowly over the couch to see Ashley and the guy that was with her at the park, both with guns pointing at the man who held my baby. I looked over at Asher who was staring at the man holding Cameron.

"Give her over, and we won't kill you. You can stay in the gang and forget this ever happened." He looked fearful for a minute then his face went blank. "Your going to kill me so might as well take her too."

His gun was in front of his chest pointing down at the crying Cameron. Before any of us pulled a trigger, a loud shot was heard and His hand was hit sending the gun flying to his right. We all looked to his left and saw Mallory shaking with the pistol in front of her. She dropped it to the floor and backed away almost ashamed of herself. I ran forward and took the baby out of His shocked state while Asher pushed him against the wall. I then ran over to Mallory bending down putting her head in my neck. I heard grunted and knew Asher was giving the man good beating before killing him. Not wanting my kids to see their father angry I took Mallory's hand and led her back to the back yard and laid in the grass in front of the lake. Mallory sat beside me and put her head on my shoulder crying silently. I could only imagine the fear that was going through her. I just rubbed her hair and gently rocked back and forth trying to quieten Cameron's cries. I heard the door open and Asher came in front of me. He bent down and kissed me softly on the forehead and picked Mallory up holding her and rubbing her back soothingly. I couldn't help but admire what a great father he had become. "Everything's going to be alright." He whispered but I couldn't help but question that statement. Was everything going to be alright like he wants it to seem? What about this whole marriage between him and Ashley? What about this gang that has many more members in sure. And what about the dead bodies in our house, or the stranger with Ashley. Where did they go?

What if our life isn't ever going to be same like he hopes.?

Asher's POV:

I can't help but feel like everything's going to be alright again. I have Kate and Cameron. The people after her are gone, and Ashley just admitted to me that the baby, isn't even mine. I know I should be angry with her but I can't help but feel happy. So incredibly happy. I looked down at Kate rocking Cameron back and forth looking down at her lovingly. Her black curl falling from her face tickling Cameron's nose. It was the perfect picture. The perfect moment. And the little girl that just saved her little sisters life is crying in my arms. "Shhhh. Shhhh baby girl. You did good. I am so so so proud of you." I whispered in her ear. She Hiccuped and came out of my neck to look at me. "I hurt him daddy." She whimpered. I can't help but see the resemblances of My little Kate in her. It only made me love her even more if that were possible. But Kate killed three people and isn't crying. She doesn't even look like she has any remorse. And that only scares me.

What happened to my innocent little Kate?

"You did good. You saved you baby sister." I said softly stroking her cheek and kissing her forehead. "S-sister?" She stuttered while asking. Her face full of confusion and I couldn't help but laugh a little and nod. "Yes. Sister."

Her cheeks began to widen and she smiled a loving smile and looked down at Kate holding Cameron. I couldn't help but think, maybe she's happy we are together again too?

"Are we going to be a family again daddy? Mommy?" Mallory asked still looking down at Kate. Kate's face rose to look up at us. She was unsure of what to say because she knew of Ashley. So instead I spoke, "Of course sweetheart. I'm never letting Mommy out of my sight again. Even if I have to lock her up and you help." I said with a smirk and Mallory giggled. Kate laughed lightly and smiled.

"Well mama. I guess we are locking you up." Mallory said with a grin and I couldn't help but laugh at the little minx.

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