Chapter 5

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Kate's POV


Today, there is a famous billionaire buying our company so we have to look our best so he won't fire us. He plans on keeping the best and filling old spots with his people. I hear he is a jerk, but you shouldn't judge by other people right? If we did that, I would be known as a slut even though I've only had sex once. I date frequently, but once they find out I have a kid, they break it off. Not a big deal for me though. I can play the single parent thing very well.

"Hey Mallory, you ready to go to school?" Mallory is in 2nd grade and my neighbor picks her up with her son after school. I work to late. "Yeah. Today we get to play basketball in PE!" Mallory explains excitedly while grabbing a piece of toast off the table. She loves sports just like her daddy. "That's great sweetie! Are you going to squash the boys?" I asked chuckling. She always makes it her mission to beat the boys at everything because they say girls are weak. "Of course. I always do mama!" She tells me proudly. Good girl. "Okay, get in the car before we are late!"


I'm in the elevator holding my Starbucks coffee and my workbook. I look down at myself to check myself over. My white blouse is loosely tucked in my black pencil skirt and my hair falls to my mid back in ringlets. The ringlets are still there from when I had crazy curly red hair but it looks more tamed now.

When the elevator doors open I walk out while my phone starts ringing. I move everything to one hand and fish it out of my purse. I hit a brick wall and loose my balance along with my coffee spilling on my white top. Well shit. I look up from the floor to see it was a man and not a wall. He had dark blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes that reminded me of someone. He just stands there looking at me in his expensive suite that somehow did not get coffee on it. "Watch where your going next time." He says and continues walking without helping me up. "Asshole" i said loud enough to where I know he heard. I heard him chuckle lightly until he turned a corner. I got up and picked up my bag, book, and now empty coffee cup to throw away. Once I reached my office, I phones Belinda, "Hey B, could you send someone to clean up coffee next to the elevator and get me a new top please?" Belinda replied immediately with a , "Sure Kate, be there in a few."

I want to know who that guy is so I can just give him a piece of my mind. What kind of guy leaves a girl on the ground like that? I looked down at a picture of Mallory and I. The picture made me smile immediately forgetting the asshole that bumped into me.

I hear a slight knock and Belinda comes in with a red blouse and a new coffee for me. Oh I love this woman, she is the perfect secretary! After she closes the door, I get up from my desk and strip off my blouse. She throws the red one at me and i put it on quickly and tuck it in. After I fix my hair and myself presentable, she hand me my coffee and a schedule of all my meetings that i have this week. "Mr. Kendrick's is here to see you. He is the one buying the company. He wants to see who is in charge of this floor." Belinda tells me as I sit back down with my coffee. "Of course, did you show him around? Bring him in." I say while clearing my desk so it looks less messy but, its no use. Papers are in to many piles and pictures are scattered all over my table across the room.

I throw on my fake smile and wait patiently for him to enter.

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