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Wooooohoooooo!!! Thank goodness this book is finally over! Thank you all my fans and thanks for all the votes and encouraging comments! I love you all!

Kate's POV:

"Guys!! Come get your lunches quickly before the bus leaves you and your late for school!" I yell at the bottom of the stairs hoping to catch the girls attention. I went back to the kitchen to finish cleaning their messy breakfast. The girls rushed in and grabbed the bags off the counter and kissed me on the cheek before rushing out the door. I smiled to myself and watched out the window as the girls walked down the very long driveway. They are so perfect. Cameron of course took after her dad with blonde hair and blue eyes while Mallory still has her long red hair with brown eyes that she got from me. They were both beautiful though. My perfect babies.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when strong arms went around my waist and pulled me back to a hard chest. Asher started sending kisses down my neck making me moan lightly.

"Honey. You going to be late for work." I moaned out. My cheeks blushed from that and he groaned. "But I haven't even gotten my breakfast yet." He whined.

I turned around and looked at him. "That's your own fault. I made breakfast and you decided to skip it. That was kinda mean. I put all this hard work into mak-" my rambling was silenced by his lips dominating mine. He picked my up swiftly and started towards the bed room. "That's not the type of breakfast I'm in the mood for Hun." He whispered huskily in my ear and I couldn't help but shiver. Once we got to the bedroom he went straight to the bathroom that connects and candles were lit around the tub. Rose petals were settled at the top of the warm water and I could smell the fresh oils he must have put in there. "Is this why you didn't come down for breakfast?" I asked looking around while he put me down. It was so sweet and thoughtful of him.

"I can't help but feel like you do something special for me every morning, whether it's making breakfast, cleaning, making me lunch, or just standing there so I can soak up your beauty. I had to do something for you this time."

I couldn't help but kiss him. It was so sweet and thoughtful of him. I loved this man with all my heart. We both started undressing each other kissing everywhere. When we were fully naked, he picked me up bridal style and walked towards our big Jacuzzi bath tub. He kissed me softly before getting in and whispered, "Kate Kendricks, you are NOT EVER leaving me again."

I giggled slightly from the memories that sentence brought me. He sat us in the tub and pulled me to his chest.

"What's so funny love?" He asked calmly.

"Do you remember the first time you told me that?" I asked and looked back at him. He rolled his eyes again and looked away while saying, "if you plan on kneeing me in the balls again, can I at least not be naked?" We both laughed loudly and I couldn't help but feel content. This is exactly where I want to be. This is my life. And everything couldn't be more perfect.

Ryan decided to marry Ashley after her divorce with Asher because of their child. Well he says that's the reason, but I believe he really loves her. Why else would he kill his own gang members because she told him to? He now leads the gang and we have been at peace with them. Ashley and Ryan come over every holiday or just as friends to hang out. Their son Taylor plays with Mallory and Cameron. I think he has a small crush on Cameron but I think it's cute so I won't interfere. Asher though has already given them both a stern talking and it was quite funny. He can be a little over protective sometimes. I'm now a very happy stay at home wife and occasionally Asher stays home too. He's his own boss so of course he can do that. Our house is built with triple the security since that night and I have a gun hidden in secret spots around the house but of course out of the kids reach. We no longer have that nanny named Valerie because I prefer the house to just be us, our family alone. Me and Asher are married, hint at him calling me Kate Kendricks instead of Parks. Life seems to be perfect right now.

"My parents want to take us out for lunch." Asher states while rubbing soap in my hair and massaging my scalp. I hummed in response already knowing not to argue with his mother. She can be quite feisty but we are the best of friends. When I'm not hanging with her, I'm either at the animal shelter volunteering or at the hospital reading to sick kids.

After speaking to the police and telling them about me being kidnapped and escaping after the warehouse catching to flames, I got my name back. I am no longer considered dead. They still are investigating but I don't doubt my skills of covering my tracks.

I haven't killed a single person since that day and I can't help but think maybe that's why my nightmares have gotten so bad. Maybe all of it is finally catching up to me. It hard to become the same little girl again. It's hard to pretend that nothing's wrong with me, that I'm as perfect as I was before. You never realize how pure you are until it's gone. Now when I look at myself I see a monster. Someone who isn't even human. I mean.... What human could kill without remorse. But then again.. Maybe that's what these nightmares are..? Remorse. Why is it that I've killed so many and I get to live my happily ever after? I'll never understand but I can relish in it for as long as I have it.

My little family is all I have left. And I will thrive for them. I'll take care of them. And I will make sure no one can hurt them like they hurt me. Because that's what's mothers are for? To protect.

But being here in Asher's arms.. I felt so weak, so small. But his arms are my safe haven. The place where the nightmares can't reach me. With him by my side, I have no fear. Because he's all I could have asked me. And a stupid mistake years ago can't keep me from him anymore.

We are finally... Happy.


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