Chapter 6

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Asher's POV


I was walking out from the staircase that led me to the 3rd floor of the building. I need to find the secretary so I can meet these people and fire them. I don't need any of these people when I can have the best. I was to lost in thought to realize I walked right into a lady with black curly hair. Her curls reminded me of someone. She looked up at me with these honey brown eyes that made me stop and freeze. She reminded me to much of Kate. I realized she spilt coffee all over herself. That made me start to think she is not serious enough to work here. Spilling coffee is just childish and to cliche. I decided to ignore her and continue my search for the secretary's desk after spitting out, "watch where your going." After a while I hear her say, "Asshole." Yeah, she is getting fired.

After speaking with the secretary named Belinda she showed me around. I like the designs of the building and decide that's good enough to keep. I hear the woman that runs this floor is amazing. She is the best at her job and a lot of magazine companies want her. Belinda leads me to a waiting room and says, "Wait here while I go inform Miss Parks that your here." Closing the door behind her. My body suddenly freezes after that leaving me with a headache. Parks? As in Kate Parks? There is no way it could be her right? There are thousands of people with the last name Parks. She wouldn't want to work here anyways, she told me she wanted to be a teacher. And it would be impossible for it to be her because fate is to cruel to do that. Even if it were her, what would I say? She won't just let me back in her life. She is so beautiful she most likely is already married by now. All the fame was because of her after all. I wanted her to see me in magazines and come running back to me. I want her to fight for me. I fought for her twice! And all I am asking for is once, just once can she fight for me.

I need you, Kate. Your my light at the end of the tunnel.

Kate's POV


About fifteen long minutes later Belinda came back opening the door widely for Mr. Kendrick's to step in. I froze in place and realized, it was the same guy I bumped into in the hallway. The same one that I called an 'asshole'. The same guy that could ruin my entire job and make me start from scratch again. My baby girl will be without a house. Shit. I really messed up. As soon as he saw me, a smirk was planted on his face.

Asher's POV


As soon as the secretary, Belinda I believe, left I smirked. The woman in front of me was the same one I spilt coffee on earlier. The same one that called me an 'asshole' and the same one I planned on firing. Well, let's see how good of a suck up she is. I extend my hand to shake her while saying, "Asher Kendrick's, nice seeing you again." Her eyes seemed to grow wider once I said my name and her body posture became stuff. She seemed lost in a situation that wasn't suppose to happen. What is wrong with her. I don't know why I even thought she would be my Sweet Kate. Shes to weird and not as energetic. She snapped herself out of her frozen stance and smiled the fakest smile I have ever seen, "I am Katherine Parks. Please come have a seat." She said and gestured to a chair in front of her desk. "No thanks. I am superior and to much authority over you to sit in front of a desk." I said showing no emotion. This is why I am the scariest guy anyone knows. After being broken so long, my image became my everything. I want people scared of me. If I show weakness, people can hurt me again.

The woman in front of me lost her posture again and slouched as if she was confused on how to handle the situation. I became bored with her and started looking around her office. The pictures on her desk got my attention. There was one that really caught my eye. A girl with crazy curly red hair and light brown eyes was leaning against a tree with her hands forming a heart on her stomach...... My Kate. This is absolutely 100% MY KATE! Her stomach... It was bigger then usual, and she looked the same as when I last saw her. She was beautiful. There was another picture next to it with a little girl and my Kate. Kate had black hair in this picture and the little girl looked almost exactly like the old her. I looked up to see the woman with crazy curly hair and light brown eyes looking at me with a worried expression. She was about to say something until my mind went blank and I remember the hospital. The lady behind the desk told me there was only a 'Katherine Parks'. She was a pregnant teen. I never once thought Kate was just a nickname! My Kate is really right in front of me. I spilt coffee on my Kate and even threatened her job. Not only that, but she has my child! Never once had she tried to contact me and tell me I have a baby girl! Why would she leave me pregnant? She broke up with me while she was pregnant!! How could she do that? Without even thinking I spit out, "So, when were you going to tell me I have a daughter?" It was kind of harsh but she deserved it. She left and hid my child from me. The shock on her face was the only emotion I saw. No regret, no pain, and no love. Did she not love me? "How could I tell you when you became a cold headed asshole? What if you completely disowned me in person or took her away from me? The 'scariest guy you will ever meet' is defiantly not coming near my daughter!" She whispered loudly with a stern tone. How could she talk to me like that? How could she think of me like that? She knew I wasn't like this when she left. She knows I would have been a great father and dropped everything for her. "You left me.." I whimpered. For the first time in seven years, I felt powerless. She could crush me all over again right now. I let her in again. Guilt flashed through her eyes as she said, "I had my reasons. I gave you a life that you chose to use poorly. You told me you would take care of the world, you would be known as the most kind and selfless person. You lied to me." How could she say that? "You created this Kate! Everything I did was because of you! You broke me and hurting others was just something that helped take away the pain you left me! Why! Why did you leave me?" I yelled. I am sure the hole office can hear us now because I was not whisper yelling like Kate. She seemed to think the same and quickly picked up the phone asking Belinda to send everyone on an early lunch break. She wasn't looking at me. She avoided eye contact with me the whole time I have been here. She took a deep breath and looked at me. I couldn't wait any longer for her to answer so the stupid side of me spoke, " You know, if your don't talk to me I am rich enough to take back my daughter and I own your company." "Did you just threaten me?" She asked with an eyebrow perked up and the 'are you serious' look on full show. Stupid me replied, "That's what it sounded like, so spill." She scoffed as if she couldn't believe what just happened. After a couple seconds of a state contest she grabbed her bag and a big binder with paper sticking out and stood up. "It was nice talking to you, Mr. Kendrick's." She said and walked out the door before I could stop her. Its not like I could because I was frozen in place.

How could I threaten her like that? The girl I love, and I threaten her family and job. I am a heartless jerk.

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