Chapter 10

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Kate's POV


I wake up in a huge bed that I only take up 1/5 of. The sheets are grey with a black comforter. The masculine smell tells me I am in a guys room. Did I get drunk last night? Am I at Jakes? We didn't.. Do anything right? Oh god. I get up out of bed and run to the connected bathroom and look at my appearance. I am in a huge guy T shirt and panties. Oh dear.. Something must have happened. I realize the bathroom is the size of my room and the masculine bedroom is the size a football field. Who is this guy? My eye catches my blue suit case in the corner. Um, now I am extremely confused. I grab a change of clothes and take a shower with my brain exploding in questions.


I walked down the endless spiral stair case to find the living room. This house was huge. I wouldn't be surprised if it took up a whole city. After a long walk and endless hallways I found the front door. Where is Mallory. If she is at home and I didn't get back she is going to have nightmares. Shit, I'm a terrible mother. I tug on the door to find it locked. Why the hell do i need a key to leave the damn house? What is this a secret prison. I look up and down the door just in case there is a different lock somewhere that is being used so i can leave and get back to Mallory before she wakes up. A single voice makes me freeze in place and realize everything that happened last night... Was not a dream. "Kate." His voice sent shivers down my spine and even though I haven't turned around yet, I knew it was Asher. I haven't been called Kate in seven years. Not even my friends use that nickname. I turn around slowly trying to by me some time to get out of my shocked state I'm in. When I turned fully around, Asher was a step away from me. He was staring at me like I did something wrong. "Why were you opening the door?" He asked curiously. His forehead creased and eyebrows squeezed together. I would never admit this bit he looked adorable and i almost wanted to squeeze his cheeks and make baby noises. When you grow up as fast as I did, you tend to hide your childish imagination. "Well I don't know about you, but I didn't see this door opening.." I sarcastically replied. Okay that was a little harsh but, he locked me in here! His right eyebrow rose amused with my statement. "Your right.. And it wont be opening for a long while." He answered with a victory smirk. I rolled my eyes and said, "I have to get back to Mallory. I cant believe you practically kidnapped me!" My voice was rising the more i got to the end of the sentence. He pushed me against the wall forcefully and had his hands on either side of my head. His eyes showed anger. "You may not know who I am anymore Kate but, I have changed. I do not get talked to like that... Ever! Understand?" He said in a low threatening tone. Stuck in fear I nodded without realizing. What the hell happened to him? "Oh, and Mallory is in her room upstairs. She will be down soon for breakfast." Her room? What? So Mallory is here. "Her room?" I felt so clueless. Everything was running in circles and I was just trying figure things out. "Yes, her room. This is OUR home now and she gets a room. Now are you making breakfast or not?" He asked irritated. Excuse me? Did I say I was making his lazy ass food? And wait.. Our home? "We already discussed this! You are not taking Mallory from me. I will die before I leave here without her." I realized after I said that, that I was all wrong. My wrong choice of words also put it in a bad place of mind when he replied, "Good, because you wont be leaving. This is OUR home now. As in me, Mallory, and you Kate. I designed it for you. Everything about this house only happened because I was thinking of everything you like. I imagined us having a family in this house and that is exactly what we are going to do, okay?" When he said that, everything became clear.

***** Flashback*******

"Kate, sweetheart come on." Asher said lowering his hand down for me to grab. Once our hands were connected he pulled me up onto the good of his truck. The red and white plaid blanket was spread across the hood and a basket was placed on the windshield. We both lied back and his arms immediately wrapped around me. I put my head on his chest and watched the sunset from the mountain view he chose. It is our 1 year anniversary. "Where do you see yourself in the future angel? What do you want to be? Where do you want to live?" He asked. I didn't expect this question so i stayed silent for a moment to gather my thoughts. "I want to be a teacher. A English or math teacher. That would make me happy to work with kids everyday. I want 3 kids. 2 boys and 1 girl. The boys would be extremely protective over her and that's what I want. I also want a black lab, but I want it as a Christmas present. I've always wanted to open a box with air holes and see a black puppy with a red ribbon." I replied, knowing it would never really happen. He looked at me and was silently telling me to continue. "I want a red brick house with white wood. My dream is for it to be as big as a town. They might even name it after me. It would have only two stories and a balcony would circle the whole second story. Rooms would be elegant but, not rich poking. I don't want took snobby." I looked over to Asher to see a blank face. As if hes absorbing all my information. "There would also be a small play house in the back yard for my kids. They will pretend its there own house and make mud pies and laugh like they don't have a care in the world.... Maybe in another life, my parents would visit. They would enjoy our company and spend all their money on useless toys for the kids to keep them satisfied." My parents were never there for me as a child. They used their money to buy me nannies and such. They want me to become a nurse and only adopt children. They don't want a single scar on my body. They enjoy showing me off to the world. That's all I have ever been to them.. A trophy.

Asher snapped me out of my thoughts when he held a strawberry up. He was gesturing to feed me. I opened my mouth obediently and bit down savoring the delightful taste. "That sounds perfect to me." He said once I finished my bight and he pecked me.

****End of Flashback******

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