Chapter 2

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Asher's POV


"I think we should break up."

That one sentence made my world fall down in front of me. I love her. I really do. I always have. She was the one girl who fell for me because of me, not because I was popular. I thought she loved me. She sounds serious every time she said she loved me. This girl in front of me, with the needle in her arm and heart monitors constant beeping was my EVERYTHING. I would give her the world. Whatever she wanted, all she had to do was ask and I would gladly give it to her.

I have loved her since 6th grade when she moved here. Her cute square glasses and braces that made her mouth look bigger then it actually was. Her crazy curly red hair that you could see a mile away. I remember the first time I met her.


"Um, excuse me. Your in my seat." 12 year old Asher told Katherine while poking her shoulder. Katherine turned around with her always bright smile and braces on full display. "Sorry, I didn't know we have assigned seats." 12 year old Katherine said while pushing up her rectangle glasses with her pointer finger not moving from the seat. "Well, no we don't, but I sit here." Asher said confidently. Katherine laughed and replied, "I don't see your name on it."

"That's because you don't know my name sweet cheeks. I'm Asher and my name is right there." Asher replied while pointing at his name he wrote on the desk using pencil. It looks dark because he outlines it everyday.

'Well, you can't beat that' Katherine thought and quickly stood up and started to walk to another desk. "Wait. What's your name?" Asher called behind her. Katherine stopped. She hated her name because she felt too proper with it. She is just a kid that wants a kid name. Not a serious professional name like 'Katherine'.

She turned her head and smirked. "You can call me Kate." In that moment, Asher fell completely in love with her. He didn't care that she was geeky, he liked her. He liked the way she was not sucking up to him. He liked everything about her. And he knew, she would be the one he would marry one day. She will be the one he came home to and would kiss every chance he got. He knew that she was HIS. And ONLY HIS.

*****END of FLASHBACK******

Shock was still written on my face. Kate had said the one thing to me, that could break me. I finally had her. I finally asked her to be mine and those months together were special and I would never forget. She offered me her virginity to prove her love to me. I may be the most popular guy in school, but I never had sex before. She didn't know that not only was she giving me her virginity, but I gave her mine as well. She asked me to make love to her. We hadn't dated that long but, I was so sure I would marry this girl that I was blinded. I thought, 'I will give myself to her in the future, so why not do it now?'

How could she break up with me? She was holding my heart in her hands and she crushed it. She broke me. I was dumb enough to trust her and she broke me.

I put on a cold angry face to try and hide the pain behind it. I didn't want her to see me weak. This has to be a nightmare. I closed my eyes praying for this to all go away. But when I opened them, her warm brown eyes were staring at me full of worry. "Okay" I whispered and walked out.

I didn't know that would be the last time I saw her.




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