Oh, I know you... (Part One)

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Peter is Tony's biological son and has been dating MJ for two years. Then he found out she had been cheating on him with Flash for two months because she wanted someone with money to spoil her and buy her things. It didn't hurt so bad until he found out Ned knew, too. So, he left high school and started taking online classes so he could still work in the lab with his dad.


It was Peter and MJ's second anniversary, and they had a date tonight. Peter was excited. He spent the whole day preparing the perfect date for them with his dad, Tony, and his Pops, Steve. Peter had sent MJ the address where she was supposed to meet him, and now he was standing in the park under the fairy lights he put up for an hour after they were supposed to meet.

'Something must be wrong,' Peter thought to himself. With that thought in mind, he packed up and put his things in his car before driving to MJ's house. When he got there, he got out of the car, went around the back, and climbed up her balcony. When he got there, the sight before him broke his heart. Flash and MJ were making out on MJ's bed.

Peter sobbed as he quickly pointed his watch towards the window and instructed Karen to take pictures. Then, without looking back, he climbed down her balcony, went back to his car, and drove home.

Peter stepped out of the elevator to see the entire Avenger team in the living room watching 'Forest Gump.' His dad was the first one to notice him standing there. "Hey Pete, how was your date?" He asked, which caused Peter to start sobbing all over again. Steve quickly got up from his spot and rushed towards Peter and wrapped his arms around his son.

"What's wrong, Petey?" Bucky asked from where he sat beside Bruce on the couch.

"MJ..s..she..cheated...o..on...m..me..w..with. F...F...F...lash," Peter stuttered out. The Avengers knew his history with Flash, which made them mad that the girl their little cinnamon roll loved would cheat, especially on him with such a horrible person.

"Oh, Peter, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. But at least now you know what she's really like. Besides, she doesn't deserve you if she cheats on you with an asshole named Flash." Tony said, cuddling his son. The rest of the Avengers murmured in agreement with Tony before turning back to the movie.

The next day at school Peter waited till lunch to confront his cheating girlfriend. "MJ can I talk to you for a sec, in private, Ned you can come too," He said before leading the way out of the cafeteria. The group made their way into an empty classroom and Peter shut the door behind them.

"I know you're cheating on me with Flash," Peter said, getting straight to the point.

"I...I...I'm not." MJ stuttered out, looking everywhere but at Peter.

"Yes, you are. I saw you making out with him yesterday in your bedroom." Peter replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

Now, she looked guilty. She glanced over at Ned, and they shared a glance.

"Fine, I cheated," MJ said in a monotone.

"Why?" Peter asked, even though he already knew it still hurt him when she admitted it.

"Because you never buy me expensive things. Sure, you buy me stuff and take me out, but we don't go anywhere fancy or anything like that, and Flash does," she said, simply casting another look at Ned.

"That's why you cheated? Because he takes you to fancy places? And why do you keep looking at Ned? He can't help you...unless," Peter paused and looked at Ned, now noticing the guilty look on his best friend's face. "You knew she was cheating on me and you said nothing, how could you? I'm your best friend," Peter yelled.

"I know, but she made me promise, and Flash is cool to hang out with, too. He has a huge house and his own game room," Ned replied as if that explained why he hadn't told Peter.

Peter stared at the two of them in shock before nodding. " Very well then; I hope you two enjoy your happy relationship with Flash. But don't come running to me when karma bites you in the ass," He said before storming out of the classroom and out of the school building.


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Word count: 722

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 5:30 am

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