Kidnapped...(Part Two)

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There, in front of them, stood a familiar man. They had all seen him before, but they couldn't figure out where. Then it clicked.

"You're working for S.H.I.E.L.D. You're a scientist, Mr. Frocter," Natasha said in a monotone voice.

"Well done, Ms. Romanoff. Now, before you think of carrying out your little plan," Dr. Frocter said, pushing a little button on a device he had in his hand; the room filled with green gas, and the Avengers slumped to the floor, too weak to move.

"How do you know about our plan?" Sam asked.

"None of your business; now, this gas is very deadly if a person has too much exposure to it, and it can kill you. I want something, and you'll give it to me or die," The doctor said before turning on his heel and walking out the door.

Peter stood from his corner and walked to where the others still lay on the floor. "Wow, Cap. I'm shocked. Your plan didn't work," He said, faking shock.

The others glared at him. "Like a puny kid like yours could have a better plan," Clint scoffed, and Peter glanced at him.

" I do," He said simply, looking around the room.

"Right, kid. As I said before, leave this to the professionals," Steve said, sitting up now. This time, Peter glared.

"Fine, but when I get out. I'll leave you guys here for a few days," He said, going back into his corner. He leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Peter woke up to the sound of shuffling outside the door. 'Time to carry out my plan,' he thought to himself before climbing up the wall and across the ceiling. The others didn't notice him until he was above the door. They stared at him, trying to figure out how the skinny teenager was sticking to the wall above the door. Peter shot a web at the camera lens just as the door opened.

Dr. Frocter stepped in with a smirk on his face. "I hope you're all ready to cooperate," he said, waving the gas controller around. Peter slowly lowered himself behind the doctor on a web, hanging on by his feet. His hands started to glow green with magic as they flowed out of his fingers and toward the doctor's head.

His magic surrounded the doctor's head, and his eyes rolled back in his head as Peter invaded his head. Getting all the information he needed, Peter released the made from his magic and crawled away. "What happened?" The doctor asked, coming back to his senses. When he got no answer, he pushed the button on the controller and left the room.

"You can do magic?" Wanda gasped.

"Yes, and please stop trying to invade my brain. My magic is stronger than yours, so you won't be able to. Anywho, I'll be seeing you in a day or two," Peter said, creating a portal and stepping through, shutting it behind him.

When he stepped out, he was in the tower's living room, where Bruce, Tony, Loki, Stephen, and Thor were watching a movie. "A movie night without me, how could you?" Peter said, smiling as the others' heads snapped towards him.

"Peter, are you okay? Your plan worked. Where are the others?" Tony asked as he approached Peter and hugged him tightly.

"I'm ok, my plan worked. I found out everything about him, and the others were being dicks so I left them there," Peter said.

"Peter, you can't just leave them there," Tony said sternly. Peter pouted at him, creating another portal, and the others fell through.

"I hope you learned not to judge people just because they look like they can't handle themselves. As you can see, my plan was flawless. No violence needed, and we're out," Peter boasted before turning back to Tony.

"The guy's name is Martin Frocter, Ph.D. in Psychology, born on June 7th, 1978. His parents are dead, and he has no family. He wants the codes for your weapon company. He is trying to start up a gang with the most powerful weapons. So far, all his attempts have failed. He is also stealing information from SHIELD to use against us if we try to stop his gang from starting up. He lives on 55 67 March Lane," Peter told him proudly, and Tony smirked.

"You did well, Pete. I'll inform Fury, and then we can watch movies," Tony said, ruffling his hair.

"How did you know all of that?" Natasha asked, eyeing Peter.

"I invaded his mind; I know everything about him. For a group with two superspies, a witch, and two super soldiers, you sure don't act smart," Peter said, sitting on the couch next to Strange.

From that day, the Avengers learned never to underestimate Peter. 


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Word count: 779

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 11 am

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