Rogue Avengers (Part One)

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Summary: Peter is Loki's son but was sent to Earth to protect him; he was adopted by Tony when he was one; Tony met Steve when Peter was three, and they dated. New York happened when Peter was 5, and the Civil War happened when he was 11; he now hates Steve because he left Tony to die and lied about Bucky. Tony is now in love with Stephen but is afraid to admit it because of what Steve did. Peter is now 16, and Tony knows he's Loki's son. He is dating Deadpool and is OK with both.


Tony paced back and forth in front of the couch where Dr. Strange sat.

"Tony, everything will be fine. Don't stress so much," Stephen said as he flipped through the pages of his book.

"I'm just worried about Peter," Tony replied, running his hand through his hair.

The rogues were coming back today after staying away for five years. Tony had agreed for them to stay, but they wouldn't have the same level of clearance they did before. They also wouldn't be allowed on Tony's or Peter's private floors.

"Peter will be fine. He has me, you, Loki, and Wade to make sure he is ok. And they can't hurt him because he is Loki's son. He can do magic," Stephen reassured him.

Tony relaxed his shoulder and nodded his head. He sat next to the sorcerer and rested his head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Steph, you're a good friend," He said. However, he didn't notice the dejected look on the Doctor's face.

"Sir, the rogues have arrived," Friday's voice came through the speakers.

Checking his watch, Tony saw that it was 3:20, ten minutes before Peter got out of school. "Ok, Fri, take them to their floor," The inventor said.

Tony and Stephen stood and made their way to the elevator.

Exiting the elevator, they saw the rogues standing there. "Tony, this isn't our floor," Steve said as soon as they stepped out.

"Oh, This is your floor. You have limited access, and you aren't allowed on any private floors unless invited," He replied.

"What do you mean 'limited'?" Sam asked.

"That means you don't have access to a lot. Thought it was obvious," Stephen replied this time.

"Right whatever, can we see Peter?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, I want to see my son," Steve chimed in.

"That won't be happening right now," Tony said.

"And why is that?" Wanda asked; Peter was like a little brother to her.

"He's at school," Tony told her with an eye roll.

"Then we will see him when he gets home," Steve said.

'Boss, Karen has told me to inform you. Peter will be spending the night at Dp's house and coming back tomorrow,' Friday cut in.

"Well, I guess that answers that," Tony said, a little relieved that he had time to tell Peter about Steve's return to the tower.

"You can't keep my son away from me, Tony," Steve said, a little annoyed.

"He will see you when he wants to see you; I won't force him to come down here and see you if he doesn't want to," Tony snapped.

'Boss, Peter said to remember the birthday party tomorrow,' Friday's voice came again.

"What party?" Tony asked, confused.

"The birthday party that Peter planned." Stephen reminded him.

"You don't even remember your son's birthday," Clint said, shaking his head, sounding a little disappointed in Tony.

"Shit, I got to go to the lab," Tony exclaimed, hurrying back to the elevator with Stephen behind him.

The next day

Tony woke up and made his way to the kitchen to find Stephen, Thor, Pepper, Loki, and Rhodey already in the kitchen. Stephen was drinking tea, Loki was using his magic to decorate, and Rhodey was putting red and black icing on a Deadpool cake. Pepper was making breakfast, and Thor was eating pop tarts. Tony smiled at his little family.

"Morning, guys. Is everything ready for Wade's party?" He asked, moving to sit beside Stephen and casting a quick glance at him before looking away.

"Almost done with the cake, and all the gifts are wrapped by the TV," Pepper told him as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of him.

"Good, they should be here by one o'clock. So we can order chimichangas and tacos for Wade in about an hour and leave them in the oven." Tony replied.


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Word count: 705

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 9 am

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