Soulmates...(Part Two)

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'Peter, that's a beautiful name,' Eddie thought to himself. "He's like us," Venom said inside his head. 'He sounds so young,' Eddie said.

"What do you look like?" Eddie asked, and the white eyes looking at him widened, and Peter's hand flew to his face.

"I forgot I was wearing this," Peter said, peeling out his mask. Eddie gasped and stared at him. His soulmate was so cute. His big doe eyes stared up at Eddie, and his light pink lips were stretched into a big grin.

"His skin comes off?" Venom asked, confused. 'I think it's just a mask,' Eddie told him.

Eddie reached out his hand and ran it down Peter's cheek, making him blush. "So, you've been looking for me, huh?" Eddie asked, pulling the spiderling over the edge of the building and sitting down.

Peter looked away and nodded. "Yes, I thought I didn't have a soulmate," Peter said. Making Eddie frown.

"I'm sorry I made you think that. It must have felt terrible. I just moved here last week," Eddie said.

"It was, but I'm good now," Peter replied. Peter still looked a little down, so Eddie decided to change the subject. "So, tell me about you. I want to know everything about my soulmate," He said.

"Well, My name is Peter Benjamin Parker. I'll be eighteen in two months, I live with my aunt May but she's away on business right now. I graduate high school in three months and I have an internship at stark towers. My best friends are Ned and MJ," Peter told him.

Eddie frowned when Peter didn't mention his Parents. "What about your parents?" Eddie asked. He watched as Peter tended.

"They died when I was five, but I got Tony and Aunt May, so I'm ok," Peter replied.

"Who's Tony?" Eddie asked.

"He's my dad, well, not really. We aren't related by blood or anything. I met him two years ago. He's really awesome. We stayed up in his lab all night, making stuff. He helps me make my suit. He got 279 safety protocols in my suit. I swear if I get a paper cut, my A.I. will alert him, and he has a panic attack. I remember one time I was in the kitchen making breakfast, and I burnt my finger on the frying pan, and he found out he hugged me for like an hour," Peter exclaimed happily, and Eddie could see the happiness shining in Peter's eyes.

Eddie couldn't wait to meet Tony; he sounded awesome. "I can't wait to meet your father," Eddie said, and Peter blushed.

"He's not my dad, well, not officially." The teenager commented.

"He sounds like it," Eddie said, smirking at the blush.

"You'll meet tomorrow. If you want to, that is fine. He made me promise I would bring him my soulmate the day after I met him." Peter told him.

"Sure, little spider. I'll meet him tomorrow. But I have to get going now," he said, standing and pulling Petter up with him. He handed Peter his phone for him to type in his number, then climbed down the fire escape. While Peter headed home, where he was sure Tony was waiting, he was out way past curfew.


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Word count: 524

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 1:30 pm

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