Sleep-deprived Petey (Field trip)...(Part One)

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Summary: Peter isn't allowed to go on a surprise field trip because of his grades, so Tony lets him stay at the tower for the night, working in the lab to make up for it. And in the morning, they got a sleep-deprived Petey.


Peter was having a good day, Flash hadn't bothered him, he got a 98 on his Spanish test and he was excited. He has a field trip tomorrow to a big science company. He and Ned had made bets as to where they were going. Peter had guessed Hammer Industries, while Ned guessed Stark Industries.

He, Ned, and M.J. were currently walking to Chemistry class. Ned and Peter are caring about the newest Lego. Ned's mom got him and MJ to read a book as usual. They got to class, the last one for the day, and Mr. Pearce immediately settled the excited class and began to teach.

Five minutes before class ended, Mr. Pearson stopped his lesson and stood in front of the class. "Ok, you may now turn in your permission slips for the field trip tomorrow," He said excitedly.

Peter was the last to hand in his paper, but when Mr. Pearson sighed and said he was not taking it, Peter frowned.

"Peter, I'm afraid you are not going on this field trip," Mr. Pearson told him. All the excitement left the teen, and his body sagged.

"W..what? W..why?" Peter stuttered out.

"Well two reasons, the first one is your attendance, you have missed too many days," Mr. Pearson said, before pausing. Peter waited for the second reason.

"The second is the rumors you've been spreading," the man said, making Peter frown. What rumors? "You are a good student, Peter, but the teachers have heard the rumors going around that you have been saying about your internship at Stark Industries. And to avoid embarrassment on this trip due to such rumors, you will not be going," Mr. Pearson finished.

"The internship is real," Peter said, shocked that even his teachers didn't believe him.

The teacher sighed. "I was afraid of this; if you don't come clean by Monday, you'll be suspended," He said.

Peter frowned harder at the man. Was he going to get suspended for telling the truth? Peter pulled his backpack higher on his shoulder and stormed out of the classroom.

"Peter, what did he want?" Ned asked when he saw Peter exit the classroom.

"He said I can't go on the trip," Peter told his best friend.

"What, but it won't be fun without you," Ned whined, clutching Peter's arm.

"You'll have Mj, and you can't tell me all the details on Saturday," Peter said, trying to cheer his friend up.

"But Mj won't nerd with me," Ned said with a pout.

"I know, but you'll make it," Peter said as they exited the building; he saw Happy's car waiting by the curb and said goodbye to his friend.

"Hey, happy." He said getting into the car, when he didn't start rambling, Happy glanced in the rearview mirror at him. The driver frowned at the teenager, as much as he didn't like the normal rambling he much preferred it to see Peter frowning.

"What's wrong, Peter?" Happy asked.

"Nothing is wrong; why would you think something's wrong?" Peter asked, glancing up briefly.

"You're not rambling, and you're frowning. Something is definitely wrong," Happy said.

"I can't go on the field trip tomorrow," Peter mumbled sadly.

Happy looked in the mirror at the teenager again, and he knew how much Peter wanted to go on this trip from all the rambling he heard about it. He turned at the next corner, taking them a little off route.

He spotted the shop he was looking for and pulled over. "Wait here," He told the teenager before exiting the car. All he got was a nod before he exited the car.

He returned a few minutes later, opened the back door, and waited for Peter to acknowledge him. The teen looked up and gasped. In the man's hand was a large Spiderman ice cream cup that had blue and red ice cream and a Spiderman spoon. In his other hand was a bag of Spiderman-themed candy.

He handed the goodies to the teenager, earning a wide smile. "Thank you, Happy," Peter exclaimed, making Happy's heart jump and a smile appear on his face. He'll never admit it, but he loved Peter.

Getting back in the car, Happy drives them to the tower. By then, Peter is halfway through his ice cream. Happy pulls over and parks the car. "Go on, kid. Tony's waiting for you," he says. Peter grabs his candy back and runs out of the car, yelling a thank you over his shoulder to Happy, making the man smile and shake his head.


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Word count: 775

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 11:30 am

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