oh I know you....(Part Two)

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Three Months Later

Peter woke up and stretched. He had come home late last night for patrol and he had a busy day of training with the Avengers and a meet and greet for some high school students touring the tower later today. Yawning, Peter got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

Peter made his way into the kitchen, where the rest of his family were already seated. "Morning, Underoos/son," Tony and Steve said when he walked in.

"Morning, Dad, Morning, Pops," He said, greeting his parents before he sat at the table with the rest of the family.

"What are you doing today, Peter?" Asked Steve as Pete shoved pancakes in his mouth.

"I'm going to train and then do some work in the lab," Peter replied, and Steve nodded and took a bite of his own breakfast.

"Loki is coming today," Tony said. Peter did not catch what he said at first, but when he did, he paused, and a wide grin broke out on his face.

"YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!" Peter shouted and started bouncing in his seat.

"Calm down, kid. He's not coming till afternoon," Tony chuckled. Though he never said it out loud. It was very clear to everyone that Peter's favorite uncle was Loki. No matter how hard the others tried, no one compared to Loki.

Meanwhile, at Midtown High school

Flash, his girlfriend of two months, MJ, Ned, and the rest of their Chemistry class all stood outside getting ready to head to their field trip at Stark Industries.

"Hey, isn't Stark industry where Penis Parker said he had an internship before he went and killed himself?" Flash asked as they boarded the yellow school bus.

"Flash, S.I. only takes college students, not high schoolers," MJ said as she sat beside him at the back. The drive was short, and soon, they pulled up in front of the tall building and entered the lobby.

"Ok, class, remember to be on your best behavior," Mr. Harrington said before walking up to the receptionist to sing them in.

After a few minutes of waiting, a bubbly blonde tour guide came out of the elevator and headed toward them.

"Hello, Midtown High; it's a pleasure to have you here. I'm your tour guide, Macy. Before we start, let's go over the rules. First, be respectful to anyone you see, Second don't disrupt anyone you see working, Third, no bullying. If you break any of these rules you get a strike, three strikes, and you are out along with your group. Does everyone understand?" Macy asked. She got a chorus of "Yes, ma'am" before she continued.

"OK, now I'll hand out your badges. And explain the different levels. When I call your name, please come collect your badges," She said.

Training room two hours later

Peter was now in the training room, unaware of the tour group stepping out of the elevator and heading toward the room. "This is the room where the Avengers train every now and then. If you look through the window, you can see some of the training," Macy said.

The class looked through the window and saw most of the Falcon, Hawkeye, The Winter Soldier, and Black Widow train with a brunette who was wearing a shirt and was ripped.

"Oh my god, he's hot,"

"Who is that?"

"Why is he training with the Avengers?"

"Do you think he's single?"

Macy moved forward and looked through the window. "Oh, that's Mr. Stark's son. He trains with the Avengers a lot," She said

"Mr. Stark has a son?" One of the girls asked.

"Yup, everyone loves him. Never met him before, though," Macy said.

The guy in the room stopped sparring and took a drink from his water bottle before wiping his sweat with a towel, making his muscles flex, and all the girls and most of the guys swoon. The brunette exited the room through a back door, and Macy brought the group into the training room.

Later at the Q&A

All the Avengers were there, even Thor and Loki, who had arrived while the others were on their way to the meeting room.

"Hello we are the Avengers, you already know us, so any questions?" Tony said.

Steve picked on a girl in the far back corner. "Hi, my name is Cindy. Are you guys like family?"

"Yeah, we are not by blood, but we are family," Steve answered.

The next person who was picked on was Mj, "My name is Mj..." she began, but before she got any further, Tony cut her off.

"Oh, I know you." He said.

"You do?" MJ said, almost feeling pleased that Tony Stark knew her.

Meanwhile, FRIDAY alerted Peter that Loki had arrived and he was making his way down.

"Yea, you're the one who broke my son's heart," Tony snarled. And immediately, the rest of the Avengers caught on. "You shattered his heart, and it took him months to be ok again. Next person,"

Natasha pointed to a boy in the front. "My name is Abraham. Is your son close to all the Avengers?" He asked.

Just then, the door burst open, and the brunette from earlier came running in. "UNCLE LOKI," He said as he ran towards the raven and threw himself at him, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"My son, everyone. The only person who can hug Loki and not get murdered," Tony said, chuckling.

The brunette turned around and the class gasped, it was Peter Parker.

"Dad, he won't murder you if you hug him," Peter said.

"Don't be so sure about that little mortal," Loki said.

Peter noticed the group in the room turned and looking at them, he noticed MJ and Ned in the group and smirked. " Oh. I know you...you're the gold digger who dumped me for my bully because he had more money than me," He said, looking at Mj, then looked at Ned. "Oh, I know you too; you betrayed me for my bully because he was more fun not to hang out with than me. How's that working out for the both of you? Now that you know I'm the son of the richest man in New York?" He asked, still smirking at them. "Oh, by the way, Flash, your dad was fired this morning. He's also being sued for all he's got," He finished.

Peter turned back to Loki and grabbed his hand. "Uncle Loki, let's go. I got you some new books. I know you'll love it," Peter said, Pulling the God out of the room.

Leaving behind two ashamed teens, one confused bully, and one proud group on Avengers.


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Word count: 1076

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 6 am

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