Accidentally in love...(Part Two)

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Peter woke up excited. Today was the day. The day he told Deadpool he loved him. He quickly texted Deadpool that he had something important to tell him tonight and he should meet him. S.I., Deadpool confirmed, and Peter cheered. He told him to meet him at seven and turned off his phone.

Peter looked at the clock on his bedside table. And saw that it was midday. He jumped up really quickly and rushed to the bathroom; he showered and dressed before heading out to the kitchen, where he found Tony, Steve, Rhodey, and Bucky.

"Morning, everyone," Peter said, moving to the cupboard, taking out cereal and grabbing a bowl. "So Pete, Tony said you have something big planned for today," Steve said as he took a few pancakes onto his plate.

Peter nodded excitedly. "I do; I have it all planned out. But I need help," He said, sitting beside Bucky.

"Ok, what do you need help with?" Tony asked, slowly drinking his coffee.

"Well, I need you to grant him access to the tower so he can meet me on the garden floor. It's going to be cold out tonight. And I need one of you to go out and get a ton of fairy lights. I need a picnic blanket and a basket. I also need someone who can cook chimichangas," Peter said, listing the things he needed.

"I'll have Friday make him a pass under the name Peter's date," Tony said.

"No, put him under Spiderman's date," Peter Said, and Tony nodded.

"I'll get you the picnic blanket and basket," Steve said.

"I'll get you the fairy lights," Rhodey added.

"I can help you cook the chimichangas," Bucky said.

"Thank you, guys. This means a lot to me. I have had something to do. It won't take long, and I'll be back in an hour," Peter said, and with their take in mind, everyone set out.

Peter left the tower and headed to the mall. When he got there, he bought a plain sweater and headed to a T-shirt design shop. He showed them the design he wanted, and they told him to come back in an hour and a half, so Peter set out to buy some things he needed for his date.

When Peter got back to the tower with everything he needed two hours later, everyone was waiting for him. He wrapped the sweater in gift paper and placed the outfit he bought on his bed. He collected the Fairy lights and blanket and made his way down to the park.

Peter stood back and examined his work, the fairy lights. They were all hung up and looked like stars on the ceiling. The blanket was placed by a small tree; Peter smiled and headed to the elevator.

He got back to the Avenger floor and made his way to Tony's wine cabinet. He pulled out the special one he had for Peter, the non-alcoholic one. He placed one of them in the fridge before going to the kitchen to make chimichangas with Bucky. He sent a quick text to Deadpool that his badge was with the receptionist, and they started cooking.

At six-thirty, everything was ready. The basket was packed with both dinner and dessert. Bucky also baked a cake, and the only thing left for Peter to do was take a shower. He went to his room and quickly got ready.

He got a text from Deadpool saying he was two blocks away and quickly made his way down to the garden with the basket and wine bucket in hand. He set up on the blanket and told FRIDAY to turn off the lights and turn them back on when Deadpool stepped out.

Peter waited ten minutes before Deadpool stepped on and froze at the sight before him. There in front of him was the most beautiful boy ever.

He slowly walked slowly toward him. "Spidey?" He asked curiously. The boy nodded, and Deadpool gaped at him.

"You're not wearing your mask? How old are you? You look so young," Deadpool commented.

"It's part of the plan, and I'm 19," Peter said before pausing. "My name is Peter Parker," He said, blushing.

Deadpool seems to think for a moment before slowly taking off his mask. "My name is Wade Wilson," He said.


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Word count: 700

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 8 am

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