Soulmates...(Part Three)

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Peter swung through the window of the look to see Tony waiting for him on the couch sipping g coffee.

"Peter, where have you been?" He asked as soon as he saw Peter. He stood from his spot on the couch and went over to the teen, inspecting his body for injuries.

"Mr. Stark, I'm fine," Peter said, blushing but not moving away. Tony looked at him skeptically before nodding, accepting that Peter was fine. He led Peter into the kitchen and started making him hot cocoa.

"I've...met my s...soulmate," Peter stuttered out. He watched as Tony froze before turning to face him. "You met your soulmate?" he asked. Peter nodded.

Peter wasn't sure what happened next; the mug in Tony's hand crashed to the floor, then there was a loud squealing noise, then he was crushed by a strong pair of arms. "Oh, Pete, that's wonderful," Tony exclaimed, squeezing him tightly.

Peter smiled widely and wrapped his arms around Tony. "I invited him over tomorrow. He's going to come over before lunch and spend the day with us until dinner," Peter said happily, finally releasing Tony from the hug.

"Good, I have to get my suit ready to threaten him," Tony joked; he went back over to the counter and resumed his previous task of making hot chocolate.

"You can't threaten him; Steve won't let you," Peter said, sitting on a stool. Tony finished making the cocoa and handed it to Peter before sitting beside him.

"You know, I didn't meet Steve for over twenty years after my seventeenth birthday." He said casually making Peter look up at him.

"Really?" Peter asked, surprised.

"Yup, he went into the ice before I met him; he worked with my father before he went into the ice when my dad was in his early thirties. He went into the ice, and I was born years later because my mom wanted a child. My dad always talked about him; he knew everything about Steve Rodgers, but he didn't even know my birthday. I hated him; he raised my father's expectations so high that I was never good enough for him," Tony paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "When I met him, I was...I wasn't sure what I was. I was devastated because he was the man I spent most of my life hating, mad because he was the reason me and my father had never had a relationship, and happy because, for almost over ten years, I thought I had no mate. I had to see everyone else with theirs, sad because I didn't think we could have a relationship. I spent days in my room crying my eyes out because of that," Tony turned to face Peter.

"I'm telling you this because I wanted to let you know; I know how you felt when you didn't find yours right away. I did try to tone it down around you as much as possible, but I know you still felt it," He told him. Peter couldn't help but stare at him. He had noticed, but he hadn't thought much of it.

"I noticed, Thank you," Peter said, smiling at Tony. "How did you and Steve get together?" he asked curiously.

"I pulled him out of his room," A new voice said; they both jumped and turned to see Steve standing there sleep-ruffled. "I got tired of feeling his sadness, so I pulled him out of his room and forced him to talk; it took us ten months to work things out," He said, walking over to Tony and Kissing his cheek, making the brunette blush.

"What are you doing up?" Tony asked, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"It's almost one am; I came to bring you to bed," Steve muttered, yawning. Tony looked at his watch and Stood. "I'll see you in the morning, Underoos," He said, ruffling Peter's hair and exiting the kitchen.

"Goodnight...Dad," Peter said, whispering the last part so that Tony wouldn't hear, but from the look Steve gave him, he knew he had heard.

"Goodnight, Pete," Steve said, exiting the kitchen too.

"Goodnight, Pops." He said when he heard Steve enter his and Tony's bedroom and close the door. He stood from the stool and made his way to his room. He sent a Goodnight text to Eddie and told him where to meet him before going to sleep. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.


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Word count: 719

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 2 pm

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