Sleep-deprived Petey (Field trip)...(Part Two)

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Tony waited in the lab for Peter; he had gotten a text from Happy telling him the kid was sad but didn't tell him why. He was currently thinking of ways to murder whoever made Peter sad.

The last thing he expected, though, was for the spiderling to come running out of the elevator with a huge ice cream cup and a bag of candy. He also didn't expect to have a spoonful of ice cream shoved into his mouth by a rambling Peter.

"Mr. Stark, look what Happy got me. It's Spider-Man ice cream. I didn't know that they had Spider-Man ice cream. Ooh, and look, he got me Spider-Man candy, too. I can't believe it. Mr. Stark, I got my own ice cream flavor and candy," Peter said happily as Tony swallowed the mouthful of ice cream he received and smiled fondly at him.

"That's awesome, Underoos. If anyone deserves their own flavor, it's you," Tony said, ruffling his hair and making him pout.

"So, want to tell me why Happy bought you ice cream and candy?" Tony asked. Peter was slightly deflated but still had a small smile on his face.

"Because I was sad." He replied.

"And why were you sad?" Tony asked.

"Because my teacher said I couldn't go on the field trip tomorrow because of my attendance," Peter replied, conveniently leaving out the rest.

Tony frowned. He also knew how much his kid wanted to go on this trip. He paused when he realized he called Peter his kid but smiled when he looked over at the boy. "I have an idea. How about me and I go upstairs and have the leftover Chinese food from last night? Then you change into your suit and go patrol, and then we come back, and we can work in the lab to our heart's desire. How does that sound?" Tony asked.

Peter's face immediately lit up, and he threw his hands up and started jumping up and down. "I would love to, Mr. Stark. This is the best day of my life. I get to patrol with Tony Stark." Peter exclaimed. Tony smiled fondly at his kid as he followed him out of the lab and into the elevator.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Peter and Tony had stayed up until 5 am working in the lab. Peter laughed and smiled, and then he and Tony fell asleep on the couch in the living room watching Frozen.

Now, Tony was in the lab waiting for a field trip to come in so he could show them around, then head back upstairs to Peter.

The doors opened, and Tony turned to face a small group of gushing, fangirling teenagers. "Hello, everyone. You know who I am. Welcome to my lab." He said. "You may look around, but don't touch. If you have any questions, ask away,"

The group started to move around; Tony sat in his chair and watched until a girl raised her hand. "What does this invention do?" She asked, pointing to his newest one.

"This is a DNA analyzer; it can tell the difference between DNA, like super soldiers or regular humans. Then it can break down the difference between the two," He explained.

"Can we see it work?" Asked another one of the kids.

"Sure. F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell Cap to come down here," Tony said.


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Word count: 542

Re-published: April 22, 2024,12 pm

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