kidnapped (Part One)

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Summary: The Avengers and Peter got kidnapped; Tony and Bruce weren't, though, because they were off helping Thor set up the new Asgard with the technology. The Avengers dont think Peter can help, and they think he's just Stark's intern. But little did they know he was about to save their lives.


Peter woke up slowly; his brain was foggy, and his body was heavy. Peter slowly sat up and saw others in the small, dark room with him.

Peter rubbed his eyes and looked at the others. That's when he realized that they were the Avengers. Peter slowly stood and continued to look around. There was nothing in the room besides a long bench that most of the Avengers were sitting on.

Peter walked over to where Steve was talking with Sam, from what parts of the conversation he caught they were planning an escape.

"Mr. Captain America, sir," Peter said when he got closer.

Steve glanced over at him before continuing his conversation with Sam.

"Maybe when someone opens the door, we can..."

"Mr. Captain America, sir, I think I can help," Peter said.

Steve sighed. "Look, kid, leave this to the professionals; go sit on the bench or something," He said.

Peter glared slightly before moving to the far corner, away from the others, and sitting in the position Dr. Strange had taught him. Making sure his back was turned to the other and no one was paying attention to him. Peter tapped his watch, and the face opened. Peter pulled out a small, almost invisible earpiece and placed it in his ear.

"FRIDAY, patch me through to Dad," Peter whispered, knowing Friday would hear him.

"Kid, what's up?" Tony's voice came a few seconds later.

"Dad, me, and the Avengers got kidnapped. I don't know where we are, though," Peter whispered.

"WHAT?" Tony yelled in his ear, making him wince, "Ok, kid, I'm headed back to the tower right FRIDAY is already looking for a location,"

"Dad. I got a plan," Peter said tentatively, not knowing what his dad would think of his plan.

"Ok, Pete. Do what you have to just be safe," Tony replied, shocking Peter.

"But, don't you wanna hear it first?" Peter asked.

"Peter, you're my son, Spiderman, and you've been learning from Strange and Loki. I trust that whatever plan you have, it's a good one and that you thought it through," Tony replied, sounding proud.

"Thanks, Dad. The others won't listen, though, so I'll do it without them," Peter replied, feeling both happy his dad trusted him and annoyed that the others wouldn't.

"They're just stubborn, Pete. I'll still have FRIDAY track you. I'll talk to you later, son, te amo," Tony said, cutting the call.

Peter smiled, ever since Tony became his unofficial father whenever he called Peter he always ended their calls that way.

Peter looked behind him at the rest of the Avengers. Most of them were now huddled around Sam and Steve, listening to a plan that Peter knew for sure wouldn't work. He looked at the camera above the door, which the others were yet to notice, and sighed.

Obviously, the people who captured them would be expecting them to attack as soon as they opened the door. It was two hours later before the door opened, and they saw.


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Word count: 533

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 10:30 am

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