Soulmates...(Part One)

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Summary: Everyone has a soulmate. They can be identified by how you feel. When you meet them, you feel a pull towards them that you have with no one else, a strong sense of safety and warmth.


Peter sat across from Tony and Steve, who were cuddled on the couch. They were wrapped in a fluffy blanket, they were watching Mulan, and Peter was excited but wasn't really enjoying it.

He hated to admit it, but he was a bit jealous of Tony and Steve. Normally, people find their soulmate when they are 17, but Peter was almost 20 and still hadn't found his. He had looked everywhere while he was out patrolling but still hadn't found his soulmate.

'Maybe, I'm one of the soulmateless ones' he thought to himself. As he stood from the couch, drawing the couple's attention to him. "Where are you going, Pete?" Tony asked.

"I'm going to patrol for an hour or two," Peter said, rubbing his arm. Tony untangled himself from Steve and came up to Peter pulling him into a hug. It has become a regular thing for them to hug when they are leaving each other's side. Peter hugged back then pulled away heading to his room to change.

Peter had been on patrol for almost an hour before he stopped on top of a building to rest. He looked out over the lights of the city; he loved patrolling during the nights; he loved how silent and peaceful it was.

Peter sat on top of the roof till he heard shuffling from behind him. Peter spun around to face the hottest guy he had ever seen. He had chestnut brown hair, dark brown eyes, and light stubble on his face, he had broad shoulders and was over six feet tall.

Peter couldn't help but stare at the man, and he was absolutely beautiful. "Well, hello there, little spider." The man said in a deep voice, and a shiver ran down his spine, making him shiver.

"I'm not little. Who are you?" Peter said, blushing, confused about what was happening.

"Well, little mate. My name is Eddie," the man said, coming closer, and Peter froze. He had found him, his soulmate. Peter was overjoyed, so he threw himself at Eddie, hugging him tightly and shocking the man.

"I found you, OH MY GOD, I can't believe it. Finally!!!" Peter exclaimed, clinging to the man who now had a smile on his face.

Eddie wrapped his arms around Peter and lifted him off his feet. "What's your name, little spider?" Eddie asked, making Peter blush.

"Peter, My name is Peter." The spiderling replied, and Eddie grinned wider.

Peter felt his heart flutter at the smile on his soulmate's face. He couldn't believe it. He wasn't soulmateless, and he couldn't wait to tell Tony and Steve.


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Word count: 459

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 1 pm

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