Movie Night...(Part One)

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Summary: Peter Parker is Piotr Lokison. Loki raised Peter on earth for fourteen years before he was demanded back on Asgard, where Odin told him that he wasn't allowed to make any more trips to Midgard to see his 'Lovers' because he was bringing disgrace to the royal family and that if he tried to go back, he would be banished. Years pass, and Peter is now working as an intern for the one and only Tony Stark and has become very close with the Avengers. Also, New York happened like a year ago.


Peter woke up in his and his father's apartment in Queens and stretched in bed before sitting up. He had talked to his father while he slept, as he always did. He missed him dearly and hoped he could return soon, but Peter knew that probably wouldn't happen anytime soon. After New York, everybody saw his father as a villain, which Peter knew he wasn't.

Peter got out of bed and exited his room, and he made a quick breakfast before showering and getting dressed for school. Though he loved the place, he also hated it. He already knew everything the teachers were teaching and got bored listening to them blab about it. Peter exited the apartment and walked the few blocks to Midtown High; he paused outside the building and took a deep breath before entering. He went down the hall, avoiding the kids rushing past him.

He sat in a seat next to the window, took out a book in his bag, and read while waiting for the teacher to come in. Peter made it through the day without much trouble or getting called out by the tears when he dozed off during their boring lessons. Now, he sat in a class where he did enjoy chemistry. The teacher, Mr. Harrison, was talking about chemical reactions. The bell rang, and everybody gathered their stuff and left the class.

As he exited the door, he was grabbed by the shoulder and pulled to the side. "Hey, Peter," his friend Ned greeted, and Peter smiled. He hadn't seen Ned or MJ all day because he had been placed in a grade above them when the teachers realized how smart he was. They also had a different Lunchtime now.

"Hey Ned," Peter greeted as they made their way to the room where the decathlon meeting was being held. They entered the room and sat next to MJ, who was reading her book. They briefly nodded at them before turning back to it.

Ned and Peter spent the whole meeting talking about Legos and Star Wars until the Teacher in charge, who was his chemistry teacher, called their attention to him. " I hope you all finished your projects; they are due tomorrow morning," He told them as they left.

As Peter was heading out of the room, he was pushed roughly and landed on the floor. He looked up and glared at Flash and his friends, who were smirking down at him. "Where ya heading, Penis. To your fake internship?" He laughed before walking down the hall with his friend.

Peter stood and rolled his eyes, he exited the school and quickly said bye to his two friends before heading towards Happy who was waiting for him. They drove in silence to the tower and Happy parked underground.

Peter headed up the elevator to see Cap and Bucky in the kitchen making dinner while the others hung out in the Living room playing games. "Hey guys," Peter exclaimed Happily as he waved to everybody.

"Hey, Underoos, How was school?" Tony asked from where he was lying on Stephen's lap as the sorcerer ran a hand through his hair. Tonight was movie night, so most of the Avengers who could make it were there.

They all ate dinner together, then Peter helped Tony and Clint pop popcorn and they all gathered around the T.V. to watch Star Wars per Peter's request. Halfway through the movie there was a loud rumble of thunder, making most of the Avengers jump. "That would be Thor," Steve said as he returned to the movie.

A few minutes later, the elevator opened, and Thor stepped out, but he wasn't alone. Most people noticed and stood immediately, ready to fight. Peter was confused and turned around to meet familiar blue eyes looking back. "Father," he exclaimed as he jumped over the couch and Launched himself into Loki's arms, tackling him to the floor.


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Word count: 737

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 6 pm

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