Tired heart...(Part Two)

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Two weeks later

Peter was out spidermaning; it was almost ten PM, and he was sitting at the edge of a building overlooking the city. He had seen Loki several times since the last time and had become closer to the Norse God.

Loki had told him why he left Asgard and how everyone there treated him. And Peter had to say he felt a little protective over him.

"Peter, there is a mugging happening two blocks away," Karen's voice cut through Peter's thoughts of his friend.

"Ok, Karen. Lead the way," Peter said. Jumping off the building and swinging to the scene of the crime. When Peter got there, he saw a man in a mask pointing a gun at a woman.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to point guns at women?" Peter asked sarcastically.

The man spun around, the gun now pointing at Spiderman. "Spiderboy, this doesn't concern you. Leave," Spat the man.

"Sorry, Mr. Robber, can't do that," Peter said as he shot a web and pinned the man to the wall. The gun went off as the man slammed into the wall, and the woman ran out of the alleyway. Peter felt a sting in his lower abdomen and looked to see his suit turning dark with blood.

"Damn it," Peter swore before swinging out of the alleyway. He swung a few blocks before falling to the ground. He heard someone gasping and rolling over and looked up at the person, who turned out to be Loki.

"H..h..hey, Mr. L...Loki, h.....how are you?" Peter stuttered out.

"Peter, is that you?" Loki gasped as he kneeled beside Peter and gently peeled off his mask. Loki's face paled as he saw his mortal lying on the ground injured. "Oh, dear Odin. I need to get you to Stark," He said, picking Peter up.

A green fog surrounded them, and they disappeared. A few seconds later, they appeared in the living room of the tower, where all the Avengers were watching a movie. They all jumped to their feet as they saw the evil God holding their spiderling.

"Stark, you have to help him," Loki said, clutching Peter tightly.

Tony grabbed Peter from his arms and ran out of the room with Bruce behind him. Loki moved to follow, but the tons of weapons pointed at him stopped him. "If I wanted to hurt the mortal child, I would have done it the first time," Loki drawled before disappearing.

He appeared in the med bay behind Tony, Bruce was working over Peter he had just pulled the bullet out of him and was frantically looking for the needle to sew him up.

Loki pushed Tony aside and put his hand on Peter's wound. His hand started to glow green, and the wound stitched itself up. Peter shot up in bed and took a deep breath.

"You're okay, young mortal," he said, Resting his hand on Peter's shoulder. He didn't expect the spiderling to throw himself at him and hug him. He froze momentarily before wrapping his arms around Peter and running his fingers through his hair.

"You know, Mortal child, nothing scares me. But seeing you hurt like that scared me almost to death," Loki told him as he pulled away.

They smiled at each other before they heard a throat clear behind them. They turned to see Tony looking at them. Bruce had left the room some time ago.

"Someone wants to explain to me what's happening?" Tony asked, looking from one to the other.

"Well...you see.."Peter began.


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Word count: 572

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 3:30 pm

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