Peter's Kitty (Part Three)

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Standing beside Uncle Bruce were Thor and Loki. The God of Lightning and Thunder and The God of Mischief and Misfortune, Thor, was eating a blueberry pop tart and hugging the box closely to his chest, WHile Loki was Just standing a little off to the side, looking unbothered but still a little irritated. Everyone was yelling and didn't hear him come in. "H-hey, guys," Peter said and the conversation in the room paused as all heads turned to him.

"Hey, Pete," Tony said, standing from his spot, coming over to Peter, and wrapping a hand around his shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in," he said.

"What's happening?" The spiderling asked, looking around the room. All the Avengers were glaring at Loki while Thor continued to eat, and Loki was looking at Peter weirdly, making him frown.

"Pete, sorry," Tony said, drawing his attention back to the billionaire. "I was going to surprise you by introducing you to Thor, but we have an unexpected guess. So why don't you go to your room, and you can meet him tomorrow?" Tony suggested, and Peter nodded, happy to go see Vader.

He quickly exited the room, got to his room, and entered; he threw his bag in the corner and looked around for his cat. "Vader," He called, not getting a reply Peter frowned, he checked under the bed, the desk, in the closet, and in the bathroom.

When he didn't find him there, he exited the room in a hurry. He couldn't let his dad find Vader, or he'd put him out. He searched all over the penthouse and didn't find him. The only rooms he hadn't searched were the kitchen and the living room. He rushed to the kitchen and started opening and shutting cupboards.

"Peter," a voice called from behind him. Peter turned around to see his family standing there, looking at him, confused. "What are you looking for, kid?" his dad asked, and Peter started to panic.

"M-y cat," he stuttered, and Tony raised a brow.

"" he asked, and Peter nodded.

"You had a cat in the tower?" Steve asked, and Peter nodded again.

"I found him on the street on Friday. He was hurt so I took him home, but now I can't find him. What if he ran away and got hurt again?" Peter exclaimed as Thor and Loki walked in

"What is wrong with the child?" Thor asked, seeing Peter's face.

"He lost his cat," Clint said, and Peter saw Loki stiffen at the mention of the cat.

"Don't worry, mister Loki, Vader is a good cat," Peter said, assuming he was afraid of the cat.

The Avengers separated and went around the tower looking for the cat, an hour later they were all gathered in the living room. Peter was wrapped in a blanket on the couch as he sniffled. "Sorry, Peter. I guess he went outside the tower," Dr. Banner said, and Peter sniffled harder.

Loki, who was sitting on the other side of the room in a love seat next to Thor, watched Peter and felt his cold heart melt a little at the fact that the child was so sad about losing his 'cat'. SIghing Loki stood and moved towards Peter, who was sitting beside him, making the rest of the Avengers stiffen and ready to protect their Spiderling.

"You really love that cat, don't you?" he asked, and Peter nodded. Loki looked around the room at the others before sighing. Green magic surrounded him, and Loki began to shrink. When the fog disappeared, a black cat sat where the god was supposed to be. Peter stared down at him wide-eyed, as did all the others.

Peter picked up the small cat and held him up to his face. "Mister Loki, you were Vader?" Peter asked, shocked, and the cat nodded.

Peter pulled him into his chest and wrapped his arms around the cat, careful not to squish him. "That's ok, I still love you," Peter mumbled. And the rest watched as Peter slowly drifted off, hugging the lokitty.     


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Word count: 663

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 5:30 pm

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