Peter's Kitty (Part One)

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Summary: Peter is staying with Tony while Aunt May is away. When he walks home from school, he finds a pretty black cat with green eyes. He keeps it hidden because Tony doesn't like animals, and nobody knows he has the kitty until Thursday comes.


Peter walked down the sidewalk, happy that it was the last day of school for the week. Flash has been extra annoying today, and MJ and Ned weren't there to help him deal with his annoying self.

He continued down the sidewalk, sighing as he felt raindrops beginning to fall on his head. He sped up his steps, trying to make his way to the tower before the rain came down any harder.

He was a block away from his destination when he heard a sound coming from a nearby alleyway. He paused in his steps and wondered what the noise was. Then he heard it again.


He jumped at the noise, making his way into the damn slightly dark passage.

"Hello?" He called, gripping his bag straps tightly.


Peter followed the noise deeper into the alleyway. When he didn't see anything at first, he frowned. He turned to exit the alley and paused. There, sitting by the dumpster, was a black cat. Its green eyes looked at Peter in almost a glare.

Peter slowly made his way over to the cat, stopping a short distance away. "Hi, kitty," he cooed. And the cat seemed to glare harder.

Peter roamed his eyes over the cat to see its matted fur and bleeding back leg. "You're hurt," Peter said, and without thinking, he grabbed the cat and held it close to him. The cat hissed at him and tried to claw him.

Peter stood, exiting the alley and practically running to the Tower. He entered the tower and was greeted by FRIDAY as he entered the elevator.

"Good Afternoon, Peter. Welcome back." She greeted him.

"Hi, Friday." Peter greeted back happily, then held up the cat for the AI to see.

"I found a cat," he exclaimed.

"Peter, you know that Tony does not like animals," FRIDAY reminded, and Peter pouted.

The elevator door opened to the penthouse, and Peter poked his head out, looking around. Not seeing anyone, he quickly dashed to his room. Once there, he placed the cat on the tables and stepped back. "Welcome to your new home, Mr. Kitty," he said, smiling widely at the cat.


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Word count: 391

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 4:30 pm

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