Accidentally in love...(Part One)

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Summary: Peter fell in love with Deadpool and now had to figure out how to tell him.


Peter was in love. He didn't mean to fall in love; he just did. He was absolutely not denying it. There was just one problem: how to tell the person he was in love with. And that person was Deadpool.

He met the mouthy mercenary he had met six months ago on Patrol and has been hanging out with him ever since.

⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡Flash Back Begin⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡

Spiderman was in the middle of fighting a group of bank robbers. He had already webbed up two and was fighting the other three. He wasn't paying attention to the one behind him. But before anything happened the man screamed in pain.

Spiderman spun around and saw the man on the floor, clutching his right hand. Looking around, he saw no one.

"Up here, Spidey," a voice called. Looking up, he saw a man in black and red spandex similar to his. He quickly webbed up the men and climbed the building the person was on.

He got to the top and saw the person. He was wearing a lot of weapons and that made him a bit fearful.

"Omg, it's Spider-Man!" the man squealed. He pulled out his katana and a Sharpie and thrust them at him. "Can I have your autograph, please?" the man asked.

Blushing, Spiderman took them and signed the katana before handing them back.

"I'm Deadpool, by the way," The man said.

"Spiderman, nice to meet you," Spidey replied.

"Omg, he thinks it's nice to meet me," Deadpool said, jumping up and down and clapping his hands.

Spider-Man laughed. "I have to go patrol. I'll see you around," he said, getting ready to jump off the building.

"Wait, can we meet up again, maybe tomorrow night? I can bring tacos," Deadpool suggested.

"I never had a taco," Spiderman said, honestly rubbing the back of his neck.

"What?" Deadpool exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart. "I have to get you your first taco. Tomorrow night, 9 p.m. right here," Deadpool said before turning and jumping over to the next building and disappearing.

Spiderman looked in his direction for a while before smiling and shaking his head.

⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡Flash Back End⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡🔙⚡

Since then, Peter had met up with Deadpool almost every night, and he loved every second of their time together. Right now, he was gone for a job, and Peter was depressed. Sure, they texted and called, but it had been four days. He was coming back tomorrow, and Peter couldn't be more excited.

He was sitting at his desk in his room, brainstorming on how to tell Deadpool he loved him.

There was a knock at his door, and Peter looked up to see Tony standing there. "Hey, Pete, I didn't see you when you came in for school," Tony said, walking over to him.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure something out," Peter sighed, running a hand over his face.

"Yeah, what's that?" Tony asked.

Peter looked at Tony and then out the window. "There's this guy I love, and I don't know how to tell him. He's been out of town for the past few days and coming back tomorrow, and I wanted to tell him then," Peter said, blushing to the tip of his ears.

"So that's why you look like someone kicked a puppy in front of you for the past few days," Tony said, chuckling. "Listen, Pete, just talk from the heart. Take me somewhere you'll both love, and just let it flow. Dont force it. Ok?" Tony said, ruffling his hair before exiting the room. What he said gave Peter the idea that he hoped Deadpool would like his surprise.


Thank you for reading.

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Word count: 598

Re-published: April 22, 2024,7:30 am

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