It was my secret...(Part Two.)

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Three days later

"Hey, Wade," Peter said, walking into the kitchen early in the morning.

"Morning, baby boy." Wade squealed from where he stood, Making waffles.

Peter moved behind him and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Wade turned around and hugged him, too. "Are you ready for today?" Wade asked, kissing his forehead.

Today, Peter was going back to the tower. His parents and the others have called him a few times, but he hasn't picked up. He wanted to forgive Nat, but he was a little hurt when she invaded his privacy.

"Yeah, we'll leave after breakfast," Peter said, moving away and sitting on the old beat-up couch and turning on the TV.

After breakfast at the tower

The team had FRIDAY, tell Natasha to go up to their floor; when she got there, the others were gathered in the living room waiting for her.

Clint was the first one to talk. " Nat, look, I get it. We are spies. It's what we were trained to do, but sometimes it goes a little too far. You can't keep spying on us and digging up information on us because we all have secrets, things we don't want anybody else to know," He said.

"We are allowed our secrets, Nat. This is the fifth time this year you dug up someone's secret and forced it out of them. Something they weren't ready to share," Steve said, chiming in.

"You did it to Steve and me, forced us to tell before we were ready," Bucky said.

"You ruined my birthday surprise for Pepper," Tony added.

"And also when we were going to surprise Peter with his own lab," Bruce said.

"You also ruined Peter's Father's Day surprise for Tony," Rhodey chimed.

"And now you try to force a secret out of Peter, knowing he wasn't ready to tell," Sam added.

"You need to stop this, Nat, or you won't be allowed on this floor again. You're showing that you don't trust us, and maybe it's because you don't trust yourself. And maybe if you don't trust us, we shouldn't trust you," Steve finished.

Natasha hung her head in shame. She knew they were right, the only reason she spied was just that she wanted to know. She didn't like being kept in the dark or knew people kept things from her.

"You're right, I'm sorry," She said guiltily, not looking at the team.

"We appreciate it, but you should be apologizing to Peter," Pepper said.

Just the elevator dinged, and Peter and Wade stepped out. Peter smiled when he saw the group. " Hey, guys," Peter said as Wade shuffled nervously behind him.

"Hey, Spider baby. Who's this?" Tony asked. Going up to the kid and hugging him.

Peter blushed and looked at Wade, then back at the group. " This is Wade, My boyfriend. My secret," he blushed.

"Oh, son. We accept you. No matter who you love, Pete. Plus, you know about me and Bucky," Steve said, softly wrapping his arm around Bucky.

"Aww, thanks. But what about you and Bucky?" Peter asked, confused.

"Oh, baby boy. You are clueless," Wade finally spoke up.

"What are you talking about?" The spiderling asked again, even more confused.

"They're dating. I mean it is obvious. Bucky looks at Steve how I look at you," Wade explained ruffling Peter's hair making him pout and blush.

"Peter," Natasha said, stepping forward. "I want to apologize. It was wrong to try and force it out of you," She said.

"Treasure this moment, Pete, it's a once in a lifetime moment," Tony said, and the group laughed.

"It's ok, Nat. I forgive you, but it will take time for me to trust you," Peter said with a smile.

"Thank you," She said, smiling back.

"Let's watch Frozen," Peter asked, excitedly bouncing over to the couch, pulling Wade over to the couch, and cuddling into his side.

"Are you happy now, Petey?" Wade whispered low enough for only Peter to hear. He nodded and kissed Wade's chest before turning his attention to the movie.


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Word count: 647

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 7 am

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