It was my secret (Part One)

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Summary: Peter is gay, but he doesn't know how to be an Avenger. He is in love with Wade, dating him, and wants to introduce him to his family. But first, he has to build the confidence he needs. Natasha invades his privacy and finds out his secret, and he gets mad and goes to stay with Wade.


Peter sat at the dinner table with the rest of his family. He was pushing his dinner around on his plate, not really having an appetite.

"Peter, are you ok?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, underoos. What's up? You haven't eaten any of your pasta. I thought you liked pasta," Tony said.

Peter sighs and places his fork down. "I do; I just got a lot on my mind," He said.

"Do you want to talk about it? Is something wrong?" Steve asked.

"It's nothing bad, I promise. It's just something I have to figure out by myself. I'll tell you guys soon, though. I promise. I just have to talk to someone about it." Just then, his phone went off. He pulled his phone out and looked at it. Speaking of talking to someone, I am going to go do it now. I'll see you later," he continued, getting up from the table and heading out of the kitchen.

Natasha watched Peter leave the room. She didn't like not knowing things, and she especially didn't like secrets. "Do you guys trust he isn't doing something bad?" she asked the group.

"Yes," came the instant reply from the group. "It's Peter; he'll tell us when he's ready," Bucky said.

Natasha nodded and stood from the table. She exited just as Peter went into the elevator and she noticed that he had changed his clothes. She looked back at the group in the living room before heading to the elevator. She exited the building and saw Peter walking down the block and followed him.

She watched as he came to the library a few blocks away from the tower and climbed the wall. She watched as he climbed over the edge and disappeared. She went around the back of the building and silently climbed the fire escape. She got to the top and saw two figures standing on the other side.

She silently moved closer, hid behind the vents, and listened to what they said. "I'm going to tell them on the weekend and then bring you over for dinner," Peter's voice came.

"Aww, baby boy, I'm happy for you. They'll still love you," another voice came.

"Thanks, Wade. I love you," Peter replied.

"I love you too; now, are you going to eat your tacos?" The other person, Wade, said.

Natasha moved from behind the vent and into view. "So, this is your big secret?" She asked, bringing their attention to her.

"Natasha, What are you doing here?" Peter exclaimed. Jumping to his feet from where he sat at the edge of the building.

"You had a secret," She said in a monotone voice.

"Exactly. I had a secret, something private. Dont you have the decency not to spy on the family?" Peter fumed.

"I'm a spy. It's my job to know everything," Natasha said.

Peter looked at her like she had gone crazy. He looked at Wade and then looked back at Natasha before grabbing his boyfriend and jumping off the building. Natasha rushed to the edge in time to see Peter swing away with Wade on his back.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Next Morning

It was breakfast, and Natasha was sitting at the table with the rest of the family, except Peter. Steve was making waffles, and Tony, as usual, was hogging the coffee machine. "Morning, everyone," Peter said, stepping into the kitchen. " Morning, Pete," Everyone else replied.

They all sat down at the table, eating breakfast, when Natasha glanced at Peter and smirked. "So, Peter. What did you do last night?" She asked, and Peter glared at her fiercely.

"None of your business, Ms. Romanoff," He sneered, shocking the others at the table.

They looked between a smirking Natasha and a glaring Peter. "What's going on?" Bruce asked.

"Remember how yesterday, I said I had a secret? And I said I'll tell you when I'm ready?" Peter asked.

" Yeah..." Tony said, motioning for him to continue.

"Well someone decided that they couldn't wait, so they followed me and found out my secret. A secret I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. And when they found out, they had the nerve to come up to me and ruin my night. And their only excuse was 'I'M A SPY,'" Peter said, still glaring at Natasha.

The rest of the table looked at her with disappointment and anger. "Natasha, you did that?" Clint asked.

"Yes, she did. And now she's trying to force me to confess. I am tired of not having any privacy in this house because of her. I am leaving. I'll be back when people don't spy on the family," Peter said and stormed out. A few seconds later, the elevator dings and Peter leaves.

The rest of the team looked at Natasha with even more disappointment now. "How could you do that, Nat?" Sam asked

"Yeah, Nat, he's family. You don't spy on the family," Bucky said.

"I just wanted to know," Natasha defended herself.

"He trusted us not to invade his privacy. To wait till he's ready to tell us," Sam chimed in.

"This isn't the first time you've spied on someone in this tower and fucked up. We talked about this, and you keep doing it. You just chased my son away. It ends here. Get out. You are no longer allowed on this floor. Go on your own floor; your access will be limited until you have learned," Tony said.

She looked at him to make sure he was serious, and by the look on his face and the others, she knew he was serious. Feeling a little guilty, she got up from the table and went to pack.

When she was leaving the floor, none of them looked at her. They just all continued laughing and talking.


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Word count: 983

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 6:30 am

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