Movie Night...(Part Two)

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"PIOTR!" Loki exclaimed as he hugged his son, shocking the others, especially Thor, who had never seen his brother show such affection.

Someone cleared their throat, and the two pulled away and looked at the group behind them. Loki glared upset that they ruined a moment with his son. "Father?" Tony asked after getting over the initial shock.

Peter nodded and stepped closer to the man. "Y-yeah," He stuttered out, feeling nervous.

"Brother, You didn't tell me you had a son," Thor boomed, and Peter flinched at the loudness of his voice so close to him.

"Why should I tell you anything?" Loki sneered, wrapping an arm around Peter, and Thor pouted.

"Can somebody please explain this to me?" Clint finally spoke up from beside Natasha.

"Well, it's quite simple. As he said before, I'm his father," Loki said, with a rare true smile on his lips but also a sad glint in his eyes. I had to leave him here a few years ago because Odin wanted me back on Asgard," he said.

"So, Your name isn't Peter Parker?" Tony asked, his voice soft. Peter shook his head.

"It's Piotr Lokison," Peter said, and Tony nodded.

"Did your father know you were here with us?" Natasha asked, suspiciously eyeing the two.

"Yeah, we talk almost every night when I sleep," Peter answered.

"So you have been feeding him our secrets? Is that why you applied for an internship here, to tell him ways to defeat us?" Natasha asked menacingly, and Tony immediately looked at her with a glare.

"Nat!" He snapped, and the red hair glared at him.

"Oh, come, not Stark. He has to be. How can we trust him if he hid who he was from us?" Natasha growled, and Tony sighed.

He looked back at Peter and Loki to see the brown-eyed boy looking at him sadly. Moving quickly, Tony rushed to Peter and wrapped his arms around him. "It's okay, Pete. I know you wouldn't," Tony murmured, kissing Peter's forehead before stepping back.

Tony turned back to the team and glared. "I trust Peter," he said. I know he wouldn't give information about us to Loki if it meant that he would hurt us. Just because we find out that his biological father is someone who did a few bad things in the past does not change who Peter is. Anyone who has a problem with him now knows where the elevator is, and you can go to your own floors," he finished.

For a while, nobody moved. Then one left, then two, and one by one, more left. The only people remaining were Pepper, Tony, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, Rhodey, Thor, Loki, and Peter.

"You didn't have to kick them out; we could have gone to my apartment," Peter said as they settled back on the couch.

"Nonsense, Pete," Pepper said. We love you, and you have helped us a lot. We wouldn't turn our backs on you," she said, and Peter gave her a watery smile.

"Yea, Underoos," Tony agrees. You are like a son to me and Stephen. We wouldn't kick you out," he says, squeezing the teen's shoulder.

"So, how long are you staying for, Reindeer game?" Tony asked, looking at Loki, who was sitting beside Peter.

"Forever," Loki said, and Peter turned to him with a wide smile on his face.

"Really?" He asked, and Loki nodded.

"I got banished," he said simply before looking at the TV. "Are we going to finish the movie?" he asked.

The other turned back to the movie, which was now almost done. "We'll start it over," Tony said. The others agreed and went to get more snacks. Peter sat on the couch and looked around at his family. It was the best movie night ever, he thought to himself.


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Word count: 611

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 6:30 pm

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