Sleep-deprived Petey (Field trip)...(Part Three)

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"Sure. F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell Cap to come down here," Tony said.

"He is already on his way, boss, and I must say he doesn't seem too happy with you at the moment," F.R.I.D.A.Y replied just as the elevator door opened and Steve stepped out. But something was off with the man. He seems to have an extra pair of limbs.

"Anthony Edward Stark, What have I told you about keeping Peter up until morning?" Steve asked, frowning down at the shorter man. He had a sleeping spiderling attached to his back.

"Aww, come on, Stevie, the kid was bummed out. I was trying to cheer him up. Anyways, I need you to help with a demonstration for these kids," Tony told him, motioning to the group and staring at them.

Stevie glanced at the group and smiled shyly. He was not good with large groups. "Fine, but we will talk about this," he said, pointing the finger at Tony.

"OK, everyone, watch. First, I put my finger in this red slot. The machine will prick my finger and take the DNA," he said, demonstrating. Then the Captain will put his finger in the blue slot," he said, gesturing to Steve to do it.

"Hold, Peter. I don't want to drop him," Steve said, turning his back to Tony so he could take the teen. The short man wrapped his arm around the teen and tried to pull him off Steve's back.

The teen groaned and held on tighter. "Come on, Peter, let go," Steve said.

"Noooo, I wanna stay with Mamamerica," Peter whined, making Steve blush at the nickname, and Tony laughed.

"Come on, Underoos. I need you to release Steve," Tony said, and Peter lifted his head, eyes still closed.

"Dad, that you?" Peter mumbled as his head lolled back, showing his face to the whole tour group and making them gasp.

"Is that Parker?"

"It's Peter,"

"Why is he clinging to Captain America?"

"Did he just call Tony Stark his dad?"

The group continued to mumble as Peter unlatched his arms and legs from around. Steve launched himself at Tony and buried his head in the man's neck.

"Now, Stevie, put your finger in the blue slot," Tony said, wrapping his arms around the teen. Steve did as instructed, and a few seconds later, two strings of DNA popped up on the screen. "See how the DNAs are different colors, shapes, and sizes. It shows the difference, and the writing on the side basically explains everything you see. So, any questions?" Tony asked.

Almost all the hands shot up. Tony picked up the same girl who had asked what the invention was for in the first place. "Why is Peter clinging to you and Captain America?" She asked.

"You know Peter?" Tony asked, confused.

"Yes, he is a student in my class," The teacher chimed in from the back of the group.

"Right, so this is the field trip he couldn't go on. Peter is clinging because he stayed up with me all night in the lab," Tony answered.

He picked on a boy in the back. "Why did he call you dad?" He asked.

"Because he's my kid. Are there any questions that don't have to do with Peter?" Tony asked, and all the hands went down.

"Very well, then, you can leave. I have to get a sleep-deprived Petey to bed," he said, exiting the lab with his son in his arms and Steve following close behind him.


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Word count: 558

Re-published: April 22, 2024,12:30 pm

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