Soulmates...(Part Four)

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Peter woke up earlier the next morning, and by early, it was 11:30 A.M., he got out of bed, cleaned his room then showered before making his way to the kitchen where he found a stack of pancakes with his name written on them with syrup.

He smiled knowing it was Steve who made them because Tony couldn't cook to save his life. He ate his breakfast, and then he went in search of Tony. He made his way down To the lab, where he found the man tinkering over his workbench.

"Hey, Tony," He called as he entered the lab.

"Hey, Pete, are you heading out to meet your mate?" Tony asked, turning around to face the spiderling.

"Yeah, I'm going to meet him at the park down the block, then bring him here," Peter told him.

"Ok, kid. I'll go get ready," Tony said., using a rag to clean his oily hands.

"Where's Steve?" Peter asked, frowning a little. He wanted Steve to meet his soul mate.

"He went to the store. He'll be back before you get here. He knows you want him here," Tony said, ruffling Peter's hair as he went by and out of the lab. Peter followed shortly after, Heading down to the lobby and out of the building. A few minutes later, he made it to the park and easily spotted Eddy sitting on a bench overlooking the duck pond.

"Eddie," Peter called when he was a few feet away. The other man stood up and approached Peter, who jumped on him and hugged him.

"Hey, babe," Eddie said, gently kissing Peter on the cheek before putting him on the ground. Peter's cheek turned a heavy shade of pink as he grabbed Eddie's hand and led him out of the park.

"Where are we heading?" Eddie asked, following Peter.

"We're going to meet Tony and Steve," Peter said with a wide smile.

"Steve?" Eddie asked confusedly, trying to figure out if he heard of Steve last night.

"Yup, Tony's mate. I'm staying with them until Aunt May comes back," Peter told him as they approached S.I. and entered.

"Why are we here?" Eddie asked, confused, and Peter just smiled at him.

They entered the elevator and went up to the penthouse. They exited the elevator, and Tony and Steve stood in front of them. Eddie paused as Peter walked up to Steve and hugged him.

"Eddie, this is Tony and Steve," Peter said.

"So good to meet Peter's Fathers," Eddie said, shaking both their hands.

Steve and Tony looked at Peter, who blushed and looked at the floor. "Fathers, you say?" Tony asked, smirking.

"Yes, when we met, he said..."Eddie started but was cut off by a hand covering his mouth.

"E..enough of that. Let's go watch a movie or something," Peter stuttered before pulling his mate away.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

It was after dinner and Eddie and Peter were on the roof of the tower, watching the moon rise and the noise of the city die down as people went to sleep.

"Peter, I have something to show you," Eddie said nervously.

"What is it?" Peter said. "You can tell me,"

Eddie stood up and took a few steps away from the spiderling. A block bomb came over his shoulder, and a face formed. "This is venom. He's...a part of me," Eddie said as Peter came closer.

"What is he?" Peter asked curiously, petting venom that had his tongue out and wrapped around Peter's wrist.

"We are a Symbiote," Venom said, shocking Peter.

Venom then told Peter everything about himself while he listened to him intently. Eddie was nervous about whether Peter would still want to be his mate.

Peter, who noticed this, wrapped his arms around Eddie and pulled him in for a kiss. "It's ok, Eddie. I think it's awesome my mate has his own powers, and I had been worried that I wouldn't be able to protect you when I did,"

Eddie smiled, "I'm happy I found you, Pete,"

"I'm happy I found you too, Eddie,"


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Word count: 645

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 2:30 pm

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