Peter's Kitty (Part Two)

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Peter kept the small black cat, which he decided to call Vader, hidden in his room for the entire weekend. He snuck food to his room and sat with the cat on his bed until it finished eating, talking to it. Peter told the cat about his school, friends, and family. He even watched movies with the cat. What shocked the spiderling the most about Vader was that it seemed to understand him; its eyes almost looked human.

On Wednesday night, when he came in from patrol with cuts on his chest and a bruised cheek, Vader jumped up on the bed and watched him intently as Peter stripped off his suit and stayed in his boxers before lying on the bed. Vader made his way across the bed, sat by Peter's shoulder, and meowed.

Peter opened one eye and looked at the cat and could swear he saw the worry in its eye. "I'm fine, Vader. It's just a scratch," He mumbled tiredly as he closed his eyes again, but not before he saw Vader's eyes starting to glow green.

When Peter woke up in the morning, he felt amazing. He looked down at his chest to see that all his cuts were completely healed, and he didn't feel any pain when he sat up. He looked over at Vader, who was lying down on the pillow next to him. He gently ran a hand over his ears, and the cat sleepily lifted its head to look at him.

"See, I told you I would be okay," he said before climbing out of bed and going to the bathroom to shower and get ready for school. He exited the room and went to the kitchen, where he found his family sitting at the table eating breakfast." Morning, Dad," he said, going over to give Tony a hug, which the man gladly returned.

"Morning, Aunt Tasha, Uncle Clint, Uncle Bruce, Grampa Steve, Uncle Bucky!" he exclaimed to the others, who greeted him with smiles.

"Hey, Underoos. I need you to come right to him after school today," Tony said with a plate of waffles.

"Why? Are we working in the lab? Did you start a new project? Are you giving me a suit upgrade?" Peter rambled before Tony placed a hand over his mouth.

"It's a surprise. Now go get your bag and meet Happy at the car," Tony said, watching as Peter grabbed the last waffle off the plate and ran back to his room.

"Vader, I brought you a waffle," Peter said happily as he placed the waffle on the desk. Vader jumped up and started to nibble on it. "I have to go to school but you have to stay here, don't make too much notice, or dad will hear you and put you out. And don't make a mess, or you are getting a time-out," Peter said as he picked up his bag and gave Vader one last scratch behind the ears before running out the door.

When Peter got to school, he happily greeted his two friends. He spent most of his day ignoring Flash. He aced his Spanish and math tests and got a 98% on a pop quiz in English. At the end of the day, Ned asks him to hang out at his place and build a new Star Wars Lego with him, but Peter sadly declines because his dad has a surprise for him.

When he returned to the tower, he ran to the elevator and went up to the penthouse. He exited the elevator excited to see what his father's surprise was for him. He entered the living room, where he heard talking and froze. There standing beside Uncle Bruce were.   


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Word count: 610

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 5 pm

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