Tired heart...(Part One)

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Summary: Loki has had enough of everyone on Asgard hating him and is tired of Thor ignoring him and getting all the attention, so he goes to Earth. He meets Peter and becomes friends. After weeks of living on the streets, Peter forces him to go home with him, where he meets Tony and the rest of the superfamily. They aren't all accepting, but Tony promises to give Peter's friend a chance.


Loki watches as Odin praises Thor for something he did. He isn't sure what it is this time. Sighing, he leaves the throne room and walks down the long hallway of the palace. The staff he passes glare at him; most of them even sneer at him.

Loki made it to his room and entered. He leaned against the door and looked around his room. It was messy, unlike what he had left it a few hours ago. He knew it was one of the servants who did it, but he also knew they wouldn't be punished for messing up his room—they never were.

As he stood there looking at the messy room, he had an idea. He picked up a few pieces of clothes, his books, and his daggers, used his magic to shrink them, and put them all into a small suitcase before heading out to one of the secret ways to exit Asgard.

Loki arrived in a park. It was getting dark, and there was no one around. Loki found a bench and sat down; he ran his hand over his face and took a deep breath. "Mister, Sir?" A voice close by.

Looking up, he saw a young Mortal child with brown hair and big brown eyes. "What is it, child?" Loki asked in a tired voice.

"Well, I was going home, and I saw you looked kind of sad. So, I wanted to see if you were okay," the boy said.

Loki examined the child beside him. "Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"Yup, you're Mr. Loki. You can do magic." The child exclaimed.

"Right," Loki said, now eyeing the child more warily. If the child knew his name, he knew he was evil, but he was still talking to him. "What's your name, young mortal?" Asked Loki.

"My name is Peter. Peter Parker Stark. Nice to meet you," The mortal replied.

Peter smiled as he sat beside him. "So, are you on vacation, Mr. Loki?" Peter asked.

"Why do you ask?" Loki replied, looking straight ahead.

"Well, you have a suitcase, so I just thought," Peter said, shrugging.

"No, child. I'm moving here to earth," Loki replied, not sounding too happy about the fact.

"Well, Mr. Loki, I hope you like it here. I got to go before Dad gets worried," Peter said, walking away, waving over his shoulder with a smile.

Peter got home and entered the living room, where he saw Tony watching Star Wars.

"Hey, Dad," He exclaimed, jumping over the couch and onto his father.

"Hey, Pete, how was the last day of school?" Tony asked.

"It was great. Ned is leaving tomorrow to go to Hawaii, and MJ is going to Jamaica in two days. They'll be gone for most of the summer. Do you know what that means? It means I get to spend a lot of time with you in the lab and watching Movies. Oh, oh, Guess what? I made a new friend today in the park. I hope I see him again," Peter said before pausing to take a deep breath.

Tony smiled fondly at his son and ruffled his hair. "Slow down, Pete. Let's order Chinese and finish this movie before you go out on patrol tonight,"

"Ok, Dad. Just lemme put my bag in my room and change my clothes first," The kid replied, grabbing his bag from the floor where he dropped it and raced down the hall with Tony smiling after him.


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Word count: 634

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 3 pm

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