Tired heart...(Part Three)

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It's been a few weeks since Loki brought Peter to the tower. After they told him how they met, Tony agreed to let him stay, much to the displeasure of the rest of the team.

Loki started hanging around Tony while Peter was at school, and they became close.

It was Friday night, and they were in the lab together as Peter went out to fight crime.

"Loki, can you pass me the screwdriver?" Tony asked, not looking up from his suit.

When he received no response, he looked up to see the other man sleeping on the couch. Smiling to himself, Tony got up and walked over to the other man. He gently picked up the other man and brought him up to his room, right between his and Peter's. He laid the God on the bed and was about to exit the room when he heard Loki mumble in his sleep.

"Father, No," He mumbled in his sleep before grunting and twisting below the sheets. Tony returned to the bedside and ran his hand through Loki's hair.

"Shh, you're OK," He whispered. Loki calmed down after a while, and Tony made his way out of the room. He shut the door behind him and turned to see Peter standing there.

"Shit, Peter," He exclaimed, putting a hand over his heart. Peter glared at Tony. "What?" The older man asked.

"You like him, don't you?" Peter asked, making Tony blush. He had really liked the other man over the past few weeks. Peter sighed and walked up to him. "Don't hurt him, or else," He said.

Tony nodded. He had gotten Loki to open up to him a few times based on similar circumstances with both their fathers, who neglected them and treated them poorly. "I know, Peter," he said, patting Peter on his head before heading to his room to try to figure out a way to make Loki go out with him.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

One year later

"Do you, Loki, Take Tony to be your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold through sickness and health, rich and poor, good and bad?" asked the priest.

"I do," Loki said with a smile on his face.

"Do you, Tony, Take Loki to be your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold through sickness and health, rich and poor, good and bad?" the priest repeated.

"I do," Tony said, squeezing his lover's hand.

"Good, I now pronounce you husbands. You may kiss," the priest said. With that, Tony pulled Loki towards him and crushed their lips together.

It had been a long year for them. There had been fights, tears, and time spent apart, but in the end, it didn't matter because they came out on top.


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Word count: 443

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 4 pm

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