Rogue Avengers...(Part Two)

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Wade and Peter entered the Tower. Peter bounced around excitedly at the surprise party he had planned for his boyfriend of two years. He was pulling Wade toward the scanners when a voice called his name.

Peter looked around and saw Steve, Bucky, and Wanda walking toward him. He hurriedly swiped his badge and waited while Wade swiped his guest badge. He stepped towards the elevator when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Peter spun around to see that it was Steve who had touched him. He shrugged off Steve's and turned to face them properly.

"Hey, son, how have you been?" Steve asked, smiling at Peter.

The young spider looked from Wanda, who was staring at Wade, to Steve, who was watching him intently, and Bucky, who looked uncomfortable standing off to the side.

Peter stepped around Steve and Towards Bucky. "Mr. Bucky Barnes, sir, nice to meet you. We are having a party upstairs. You are welcome to join us," Peter whispered so only he could hear, smiling at the ex-hydra Soldier.

Bucky looked from one face to another before silently nodding at Peter, who whooped and grabbed Bucky's flesh arm and pulled him over to the elevator. "Wade, come on," Peter yelled over his shoulder.

Wade smiled at him and followed him over to the elevator.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Friday had informed the others of their arrival, and they had been setting up. The elevator dinged, and they waited as Peter, Bucky, and Wade stepped off. They froze when they saw the Soldier behind the boys but smiled at the squeal that came from Wade at the decorations.

"Happy birthday, Wade," They said in unison.

" Aww, thanks, guys." Wade said, tearing up. " you guys are throwing me my first birthday party,"

"You deserve it, Wade. Now, let's get this party started," Tony said, clapping his hands together.

After the party

Everyone was now sitting in front of the TV eating cake. Wade was still buzzing with excitement, and he loved all the gifts he got. A dagger from Loki, A vacation from Stephen, a suit from Tony, and from Peter. He got a promise ring, and Peter asked him to move in with him in the tower. Peter was happy he could do this for him.

"Peter, can I talk to you for a minute?" Asked Tony as he stood and headed into the kitchen, not waiting to see if Peter would follow or not. Which he did.

"I see you know the others are back now," Tony said tensely when Peter entered behind him.

" Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting Steve and Wanda in the lobby," Peter replied.

"I'm sorry, Fury wanted them somewhere they could be monitored, but Steve still thinks he's your other father," Tony told him.

Peter, on the other hand, looked like he sucked on a lemon. "Really, he does? After what he did?" He asked incredulously. Tony nodded, and he sighed.

"They have been asking for you ever since they came here, even asked to come to the party after they heard Friday remind me," Tony said, watching Peter closely, the boy nodded and exited the room.

Peter came back with Loki, Stephen, and Wade behind him. "What's this about?" Stephen asked, stepping close to Tony.

"Steve and the others are asking to see Peter." The other man replied.

"And we'll give them what they want," Peter said, heading to the elevator with the others in tow.


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Word count: 558

Re-published: April 22, 2024, 9:30 pm

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