Extermination Day

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Today was the day, the Extermination had come. Ramiel had Hans and Skoll remain with Vector during the genocide as they didn't have anything to defend against the Angels, ans while Skoll was exempt from the Extermination by being a Hellborn, Ramiel knew Angels couldn't be trusted. With the map given by Vector, Ramiel defended the worst areas of Pentagram City, saving many of its citizens. He was jumping and running across the city, going from place to place. In the distance, the Fallen Angel saw two young demon girls cornered by five Exorcists. They appeared to be beaten and hurt, Ramiel assumed they tried to fight the Exorcist but didn't have the right tools. Using his lightning and his winds, Ramiel raced towards them and punched one Angel in the back of the head, sending her to the ground.

"Leave now, or I won't be responsible for what comes next!"

The Exorcists all turned to him with anger in their eyes, no doubt they recognized him as a traitor. One charged forward but Ramiel swiftly grabbed her and threw the poor girl into another Exorcist. Summoning his lightning into his sword, he slashed it across the air and watched the thunder bounce off onto the Angels, sending them to the ground withering in pain. One still remained, who slowly backed away in fear from the giant man in front of her.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill them. Though I probably should've. Leave these two alone." he demanded as he conjured more lightning as a threat.

She looked around her fallen comrades and quickly flew away. The two demon girls shared a look of fear and awe at the man who just took down the Exorcists, something they didn't think possible. One girl had pale skin, glasses and light blonde hair while the other girl was tanned and had curly white hair tied into a bun. Both had red eyes, and the tanned one seemed to be injured as blood slowly dripped from her leg.

"I recognize you two. You're Carmilla Carmine's daughters, right?"

"Y–yes," the pale skinned girl with glasses replied. "I'm Odette, this is Clara." she fearfully stood a bit in front of her sister, unsure of what Ramiel would do.

"What are you doing outside?" he asked. Another Exorcist rushed him, but he threw a small twister at her and sent her flying into a wall. "It's dangerous."

"We made a delivery for our mother two days ago. T–There were delays so we h–had to stay behind for a day. But we weren't fast enough and couldn't catch the last train home."

"Calm down, I won't hurt you." Ramiel knelt down to their level and put his sword away, he gave them a small smile. It was faint but enough to calm the girl's nerves. "I'll take you someplace safe, then after things calm down I'll get you home. I promise." he extended his palm out to the girls, urging them to trust him.

The girls glanced at each other and took his hand. He helped them up and led them to the nearest building, blasting away any Angel that came close with his various magical powers. Upon finding a building a few refugees were hiding in, he burst through the doors and got the girls inside.

"What are you doing!?" a demon shouted. "The Angels could get in!"

"These two need shelter–"

"I don't care! Now get out!"

"Stand aside!" The booming shout forced the demon to cower back. "They will stay here until the Extermination is over, I'll keep the Angels away. It's just two more hours, let them be safe."

"Damn it, fine!"

Ramiel left the girls inside and went out to face the Angels.


Meanwhile in Satellite, Vector and the others watched as Angels mercilessly killed any cyber demon who didn't get to safety in time.

"Start prepping clean-up crews," the Overlord ordered. "This shitshow will be over soon, I want this place looking perfect once these winged-fuckers leave."

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