Welcome to Hell

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Ramiel woke up to the sounds of fire crackling and distant sounds of violence. His head was bleeding and his clothes were filthy from whatever dirt he was sleeping on. With whatever strength he had left he stood up, his breath ragged and laboured, he felt his pocket and his weapon was still there.

"Why would he do this to me? For speaking out once? My own father... And mother, she looked so heartbroken, she and Uncle Gabriel were trying to save me. What will they tell Emily?" All these questions poured into his mind as he began to sob about his situation.

It wasn't fair, he did everything right. He spent his entire life following the virtues Heaven stood for, even when he felt Heaven had abandoned them. Why did it come to this? Did he push too far with trying to end Exterminations? Or was it his one outburst that sealed his fate? All he wanted, all he wants, is to make the ideas of what Heaven was match the truth of what Heaven is. He hated how they threw away all they held dear for their own arrogance and close-mindedness. After wallowing in his own self-pity for what felt like an eternity, Ramiel finally resolved himself to move forward.

"Let's see if I still have some power left?" small crackles of lightning shot out of his hands, fire burst out of his palm, quickly followed by a small gust of wind, and finally a blinding light. "Alright, it appears falling to hell doesn't take away your Angelic powers. Now... let's find some different clothes." he groaned as he saw the disgusting state of his once pristine hand-crafted robes.

Passing a sign that read, 'Welcome to Hell, go fuck yourself.' Ramiel looked worried about whatever horrors he'd face down there. As he walked into the slums, he saw demons moving around, going about their business.

"You there," he called out to a winged cat demon who was having a drink against a street light.

"What do you want?"

"Where am I?"

"Where else do you think? You're in Hell, dumbass."

"Where in Hell? Specifically."

"Oh, you just died?"

Ramiel touched the top of his head and closed his eyes for a moment. "Yeah... I died."

"Well newbie, you're in Pentagram City, where all the sinners go. Good news is Hell ain't as bad as everyone says. Sure you got fires, rampant violence, drugs, booze, and a whole lot of sex but keep your eyes peeled and play your cards right, and you'll live. One thing, watch out for the Exterminations. Angel bastards from Heaven come down and kill us again, permanently. You've got six months till the next one so I'd get a place fast."

"Thank you for your help."

"No problem... Wait, I almost forgot something. Never make a deal for your soul, or better yet, don't make a deal at all. Trust me on that one, and watch for Overlords. They're tough and own Hell."

Ramiel nodded and proceeded forward, deeper into the town. He walked for hours and he began to feel hunger and thirst set in, he needed food and a place to sleep. As he walked he heard a gunshot nearby and saw a gang in black and purple outfits robbing a store. They all had skull helmets on, each one slightly different but with a metal shark fin welded on top. The Fallen Angel walked into the store and immediately, a tiny demon pointed his shotgun at him.

"On the ground, this is a robbery!"

The man had no reaction and simply spoke, "Leave now. This store hasn't done anything to harm you."

"Do you know who we are!? We work for Typho, the Overlord around here! Empty your pockets if you know what's good for you!"

"I said... Leave!" Ramiel grabbed the gun with one hand and punched the demon with the other. His attack was so fierce he caved the demon's head in.

Hazbin Hotel: The Judge (Male Fallen Angel x Charlie Morningstar)Where stories live. Discover now