Gabriel Bio

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Name: Gabriel Magne

(Name means 'God is my Strength')

Race: Archangel

Position: Steward of Heaven - second to Michael charged with advising and assisting his brother

Looks: Gabriel has light blue hair (natural), blue eyes, along with a golden halo and gold eagle-like wings

Looks: Gabriel has light blue hair (natural), blue eyes, along with a golden halo and gold eagle-like wings

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Age: Older than creation (third oldest Archangel)

Height: An inch shorter than Lucifer (R.I.P)

Sexuality: Straight

VA: Neil Patrick Harris


Father: God

Older Brother: Michael Magne (Lord of Heaven)

Older Brother: Lucifer Morningstar (The Devil & former Angel of Joy)

Younger Sister: Zadkiel Magne (Head of Divine Guidance)

Younger Brother: Azrael Magne (deceased former Judge of Souls)

Younger Sister: Uriel Magne (to be revealed later)

Younger Brother: Raphael Magne (Head of Divine Protection)

Younger Sister: Jophiel Magne (Head of Divine Blessings)

Sister-in-law: Sera Magne (Head of Courts)

Nephew: Harel Magne (Works with his Uncle in Divine Protection)

Nephew: Ramiel Magne (Former Judge of Souls)/(Fallen Angel)

Niece: Emily Magne (Angel of Joy)

Niece: Charlotte Morningstar (Princess of Hell)/(no blood relation)

Love interest: None

Friends: His siblings, various Angels and coworkers

Likes: His siblings, Sera, Ramiel, Emily, Charlie, peace, classical music

Dislikes: Hell, the Four Horsemen, demons

Titles: The Messenger, The calm Archangel

Personality: Gabriel is often described as smart, caring, and softspoken. He does his best to help Michael with his duties, though he lacks a commanding voice that makes others respect him. The Lord of Heaven values his little brother's input but also acknowledges that Gabriel is often too idealistic at times. Since he lacks authority, Gabriel often helps Michael makes decisions and handles a great deal of logistics in Heaven. He generally avoids conflict but is a formidable warrior nonetheless, having taught Ramiel how to use a sword. Gabriel is closest with Michael as they work together to lead Heaven and he has no qualms about being second in command; he actually prefers it as he hates the idea of ruling Heaven. He also misses Lucifer greatly and hopes to one day reconnect with his brother. He is close with the pacifist trio, and is glad some things, like their peaceful nature have remained unchanged with time. That being said, he and Jophiel are actually at odds with each other due to conflicting opinions on Lucifer.

Powers and abilities: Gabriel is a fierce warrior, on par with Ramiel in terms of sheer power but uses his millennia of experience well in combat, often using quick attacks to gain the upper hand and outmaneuver his opponent.

Super Strength: While Gabriel's strength is lacking compared to Michael, Lucifer, and Ramiel, he is still quite strong and can perform great physical deeds.

Durability: His constitution is near unmatched and he's able to endure several hits without even flinching. Very little can injure him but he can't endure the same degree of damage as his older siblings so he relies more on dodging.

Wind Manipulation: Like Ramiel, Gabriel can manipulate wind to suit his needs. He often uses it to enhance his speed in battle, move faster, or to push away enemies.

Sound Manipulation: He can release sound waves from his body that disorientate or damage his opponents.

Holy Devotion: He is able to summon and use Holy energy from his hands that can either heal or hurt anyone. Not only that but he is able to use Holy energy in a myriad of ways, like making extra arms, weapons and tools for his use.

Angelic Magic: Like his siblings and family, he can bless locations, places and people but this ability often doesn't suit his current needs. Furthermore he is a master of the magical arts and can perform countless different spells similar to the kind of magic performed by powerful Angels and Lucifer. His skillset in this ability is on par with Lucifer, Michael, and Ramiel

Speed: Gabriel is the fastest of the Archangels and often is nothing but a blur to his enemies when he doesn't use magic or winds to increase his speed.

Spirit Summoning: Gabriel can split his spirit into astral projections to fight and aid him.

Angelic Transformation: Can tap into his true form, which buffs his abilities. In his full form, he has three blue eyes, six pure gold wings and a halo made of wind.

Conjuration: Can create anything he wants from thin air with no limitations. He can create anything as long as it can realistically exist and does not exceed his own power

Animal Transformation: He can transform into any animal he wants, limited to still existing animals

Portal Creation: Can make portals to traverse great distance with near instantaneous speeds

Weapons and Equipment:

Golden Rapier

Golden Rapier

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Battle outfit: An outfit with thin metal pieces that offers Gabriel some protection without a significant drop in speed

Battle outfit: An outfit with thin metal pieces that offers Gabriel some protection without a significant drop in speed

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