The first recruit

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Three months had gone by since Ramiel's arrival, he was still in his depressive and brooding state. He didn't talk to anyone except Vector, the only friend he's made in Hell. By now, Vector controlled the western outskirts of Pride. He gained money through taxes and tariffs he put in place on businesses and was now fully engaged in a street war with Typho for a shot at becoming Overlord. Ramiel took no part in it, but Vector did let him know targets in advance so he could help those stuck in the crossfire. The two had an agreement, Ramiel would help out from time to time if Vector kept things clean. Violent crime was being controlled and dangerous demons would be kept off the streets by working for the new boss. While Vector's rep was growing, demons across Hell began to notice the mysterious demon who'd been going around saving weaker demons. People began respecting him as a hero, or a threat.

The building that was once a run-down slum had been turned into Vector's headquarters, expanded to include a restaurant, various forms of entertainment and luxuries. In his office, the up and coming Overlord wore a white suit, black shirt, and a white tie, and he had a meeting with the two most powerful Overlords in Hell, Carmilla Carmine and Zestial.

"I hope you'll forgive me for having us three meet all at once. Time is of the essence and I need to get my plans moving."

"Tis no matter to me. I wast curious to meet the new Overlord who hath been making great waves across Pentagram city." Zestial complimented as he sipped his tea.

"You called us here for business, correct? What do you want from us?" Carmilla asked.

"I'll keep it all plain and simple. I know you're busy people, I want Typho dead but I need men for a final assault. Ms. Carmine, you are the top weapons dealer in all the seven rings, and you Zestial, where do I even start? There's not a thing in this city that doesn't have a connection to you, the oldest and most powerful Overlord in Hell. What I want is these weapons to take the fight to Typho, and I need fresh souls and supply routes to keep the pressure up."

"An interesting proposal. And might I ask, what do we get from supporting thee over Typho?"

"Allow me," Vector's eyes began to shine and project a detailed hologram of Pentagram city. "Typho controls most of the top star area here, I'm willing to give up twenty percent of his territory to each of you."

"Hmm, there's a lot of factories in that area," Carmilla said with an intrigued smile. "Good location too."

"A great deal of enterprises as well. Many places to expand mine own businesses. But, praytell, why should we support thou instead of Typho? He hath certainly held power for longer."

"A fair point, also Extermination will be in three months. With the yearly genocide, there is also a great deal of lost revenue, can I really afford to invest in a war right now?"

"Typho is an incompetent moron. I've already pushed into his territory and he's losing his grip. He has control over most entertainment in Hell and does nothing with it, I can have his whole industry under my control in two months."

"Two months? Thou art an arrogant one."

"It's not arrogance. It's a fact. Now, do we have a deal?"

"For thirty percent, I can supply you weapons."

"Thirty sounds agreeable."

"Nuh uh, twenty-three."

"Twenty-seven." Zestial countered.


"Twenty-five." Carmilla offered.

"Deal. Twenty-five for each of you."

The three Overlords shook hands and concluded their business once they left, Vector poured himself a glass of whiskey and lit himself a cigarette.

"Now that was a business deal. Hopefully their goods are as high-quality as everyone says. Man, I am good."

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