The Ex-boyfriend

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It was the second therapy session between Ramiel and Charlie. The princess decided that Ramiel needed more than one session per week, seeing as he showed clear signs of trust issues and PTSD. Progress was far slower than with Hans or Skoll, Ramiel answers were vague, emotionless and often to the point. But there was no way Charlie was going to give up on helping him. She decided to start the session off with some basic trust exercises, her magic let change the large office however she liked so Charlie was able to do whatever she wanted.

"So, first off, thanks again for coming. I wanted to start today off with some trust exercises... If that's alright with you."

The man shrugged and stood awkwardly in the middle of a now empty room.

Charlie made a small stage in the center and stood on it.

"Now it's my personal belief that trust falls are the best way to build faith. So, I'll say a secret about myself and fall backwards, you catch me."

"Ok..." the man sighed and took a few steps forward so he was close to the platform.

"Alright... I steal a lot of my dad's clothes because they fit and he has great fashion."

The demon fell backwards and Ramiel swiftly caught her.

"Was that true?"

"Of course silly, it wouldn't be a trust exercise if I broke the rules. Your turn!"

Ramiel got on stage and glanced back. "Are you sure you can catch me?"

"I'm a lot stronger than I look. Trust me." she gave him a happy smile and got ready.

"I... I can't do this."

"Yes you can. It doesn't have to be a big secret, just something small will do!"

With a sigh, Ramiel thought of something he could say. "I didn't like the Godfather."

As he began to lean back, his knees buckled and he instinctively prepared to hit the ground, Charlie still caught him but the disappointment was evident in her face.

"I'm sorry." he whispered quietly.

"Please don't apologize, these things will happen when they need to. Let's try a few other exercises."

For the next hour, Charlie tried multiple different exercises with her crush. She tried the blindfold exercises and tried leading Ramiel on a walk, but he took it off halfway through to double check her directions. Then came games and activities to get Ramiel comfortable, none of them worked so Charlie decided to move onto the actual therapy session.

"Let's start off from last time. What made you want to save people?"

It wasn't exactly where Charlie had hoped for, but the patient in front of her was so close off she didn't get any useful information from him, thankfully it was enough to come up with a diagnosis.

"It was how I was raised. My parents were virtuous people and raised my sister and I the same. I guess saving people down here is my way of living up to those virtues, and helps make things right."

"Make things right? What do you mean by that?"

"I spent my human life helping a lot of people, and hurting many others. I tried to put an end to it, but failed. I thought by saving people here, I could..."

"Redeem yourself?"

"Not entirely. I don't regret my judgments, but I regret what happened to them afterwards."

Charlie looked slightly confused by that answer and wrote something down on her notepad. "Do you think you could go into more detail about that? Specifically that last part about judgments."

Hazbin Hotel: The Judge (Male Fallen Angel x Charlie Morningstar)Where stories live. Discover now