The Anniversary

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An alarm clock rang early in the morning. In Charlie and Ramiel's bedroom, the two quietly groaned and the woman reached over to turn off the clock.

"Good morning," the princess said, in a sweet yet tired voice.

"Morning." her giant boyfriend grumbled.

"Any nightmares last night?"

"A few... but they ended quickly." Ramiel sat on the bed with his legs dangling.

Charlie crawled over and wrapped him in a hug from behind, trying to soothe his nerves

"Is the medication helping?" she asked, planting a kiss on his shoulder.

"I stopped taking those."

"Ramiel." the demonette scolded. "Those pills are supposed to help you sleep, make you calm."

"They also make me feel drowsy later in the day. Trust me, I can handle a few nightmares. Today let's just focus on each other. There's no exercises planned, no work, just us. Happy anniversary, my love," Ramiel turned his head and pulled Charlie in for a kiss.

After a few minutes, the two pulled away and Charlie smiled. "You remembered!" she chuckled.

"With the day I have planned for you, I'd never forget."

"Don't keep me in suspense! What's first!?"

"Breakfast... but we can start with a shower first." he replied with a suggestive smirk.

The two kissed one more time before Ramiel picked up his girlfriend, threw her over his shoulder and walked towards the bathroom, all the while Charlie was giggling happily. The couple finally finished and about thirty minutes later, they walked down to the lobby and found it completely empty.

"Where is everyone?" the princess asked.

"I gave them the day off to do whatever they wanted. Skoll and Hans are running an errand for me. Husk went out gambling, Vaggie went weapons shopping, not sure where the others went."

"So it's just us?"

"Yup." he popped the p and went towards the kitchen. "And I got everything planned out, just wait here and I'll get our food ready."

"Awesome." she sat down for about a second before remembering what happened the last time Ramiel cooked. "A–Actually, let's do it together! It's more romantic!" with a jolt, she got up and frantically ran after the giant man.


"Ok, we're here," Skoll said, pulling up with Hans to a wine store. "Master ordered this super expensive bottle of wine like a month ago. We need to get it."

"Is it paid for?"

"Yeah. We just need to go to the counter and pay for it. You wait here, I'll take care of this."

The Hellhound walked in and went up to the counter, to the Imp working there with a smug expression.

"Hey there, I'm here to pick up an order. Under 'Ramiel'."

"Ok, let me check." he typed a few words into the computer and read the screen. "Yeah, I see it. A bottle of Gluttony rose aged 1942, can I see some ID?"

"Sure." the Hellhound patted his pockets but couldn't find his wallet. "Umm... one second." he checked his back pockets and found nothing. "Looks like I forgot my ID. But I can call Ramiel and he can vouch for me."

"No can do! Show me some ID or get out you flea-ridden mutt!"

"Racist..." Skoll muttered before leaving the store.

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