Hello Rosie

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Everyone, except for Charlie, were gathered in the main lobby, discussing everything they had just learned. Vector had returned to Cyberstan to finish preparations for the upcoming Exterminations, he didn't want to leave his friend during such a difficult time but he had a lot of citizens to worry about. Ramiel took off his tie and jacket, but still had the rest of his blue suit on.

"So, like where are your wings?" Niffty asked the two Fallen Angels.

"Niffty, we don't have–"

A flap was heard and Ramiel revealed his two main wings, a clean white and blue pair that flapped a few times, the man groaned in satisfaction, this was the first time in a while he let his wings out and they were quite cramped up.

"That feels good," Ramiel said, stretching his wings back.

Everyone looked in awe at the sight. Skoll got up and examined the wings along with Niffty. Meanwhile Keekee sat on Sir Pentious' lap and Ramiel's dogs curled up beside him, causing the snake to lose focus and start petting them all.

"Wow," Angel Dust muttered. "I–I can't even make a sex comment on this. You just look too good with wings... But maybe you should put them away. Vaggie could be jealous you have wings, and bigger boobs." he then punched Ramiel in the pecs but the porn star recoiled in pain.

The gremlin jumped to Vaggie and tugged at her shirt. "Yeah, why are your boobs so small? You could bounce a quarter off his pecs."

"Any other questions?" Vaggie asked with a sigh.

"I got one. How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?" Husk spoke in an aggravated tone.

"It's not her fault." the one-eyed Angel assured them. "Angels are just–"

"Liars?" Angel Dust interrupted.

"Stubborn." Ramiel corrected.

"Speaking of Charlie, where is she?" Skoll asked in a worried voice. "We only have a month to prepare for the Extermination."

"She's in our room." the giant man replied. "She needs some space from everything."

"Hmm..." Alastor then turned into black smoke and disappeared.

In Charlie's room, she was on her bed, huddled up in the sheets and crying softly about everything she just learned. Razzle and Dazzle tried comforting her with tissues, which she used to wipe her tears. The princess' mind was all over the place, she loved Ramiel and had seen what he went through, but he spent five years lying to her. She felt angry, betrayed, and heartbroken. Charlie looked down at her ring, fiddling with it for a moment before deciding to keep it on. Alastor reappeared in her room and stood beside her.

"Oh, Charlie, you look an absolute mess." he talked in a jovial voice.

"Ugh, go away, Alastor."

The Overlord sat on the bed as Charlie hid back under the covers.

"Now, now is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?"

Charlie came out of the covers and looked at the Radio Demon furiously. "I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke, asshole." she then returned back into the bed sheets.

"Who's joking?" Alastor asked, suddenly lying down beside her and looking directly at her.

The princess was frightened by Alastor's sudden closeness and jumped out of the bed. The Radio Demon laid on his stomach and kicked his legs back and forth as he talked to Charlie.

"You have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next."

"Ugh, I can't. How can I face them after failing them all so hard? They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain." she then teared up once more, feelings of failure seeping in mixed with her previous turmoil. "I'm just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell. And maybe worse. At least they don't go around giving false hope."

Hazbin Hotel: The Judge (Male Fallen Angel x Charlie Morningstar)Where stories live. Discover now