The Search

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It had been about four weeks since Alastor's disappearance. Vector was settling into the Vees while maintaining control over his territory, which he dubbed Cyberstan. Ramiel's apartment was destroyed in the fight between the two Overlords so he reluctantly moved into Charlie's home, the royal palace in Pentagram City. While his two friends were warming up to the princess, the Fallen Angel refused any gesture Charlie gave him. That didn't stop her from trying.

"Hey Ram!" Charlie called out.

"Yes princess?" he turned around and looked down at the princess because of how tall he was.

Charlie's face flushed red at his gaze and she cleared her throat. She was glad Skoll and Hans were responding well to her, but the whole reason she tracked down the group was for Ramiel. She had been rather nervous around him since he saved her at the radio tower. She wasn't sure if it was fascination that made her this way or if it was infatuation. But she knew she wanted to get close with him. In her eyes, he was just someone in hell trying to do the right thing. This random man used his strength for good, tried to redeem sinners, and according to Skoll, saved the young Hellhound from the streets. She wanted to build a proper partnership and truly help people together, but Ramiel was distrustful and she couldn't even maintain eye contact around him.

"You alright? You seem a bit... lost."

Ramiel looked embarrassed and tried to hide it. "I'm not used to the layout of this castle. I've been trying to find the dining hall for thirty minutes so I could have breakfast."

"Oh, the chefs served breakfast twenty minutes ago. I brought some to your room but you weren't there, so I left it on the table."

"Thanks Charlie," he said genuinely. "How do I get to my room?"

"I can show you!" she exclaimed, a little too excitedly.

"I'd rather go myself. I don't want to keep you from doing your duties."

"It's no problem, besides it could be a great opportunity to talk and get to know each other."

"Alright, but I'm not much of a conversationalist."

"And I'm great at talking. See? We're learning new stuff about each other already!"

The two walked through the halls of the castle, Charlie would ask questions of all kinds and Ramiel would give short answers. As they walked, Ramiel found a portrait of who he assumed to be the Morningstar family. King Lucifer stood on the right, his hand gently on Charlie's shoulder and Queen Lilith sat on a chair next to them. All three of them looked truly happy.

"You and your parents seem close."

Charlie's face grew somber as she lovingly looked at the portrait. "We were. But my mother left my father just before the last Extermination and I haven't heard from her since. I've never been close to my father and he hasn't spoken to me since the divorce."

Ramiel thought back to his mother, looking back he realized that Sera wasn't a bad mother. In fact, she was a good mother for the most part. She was dead-set in her ways, but all she wanted was to keep her family together. The mother always acted like a buffer between her son and husband, while trying to keep her daughter sheltered.

"I guess we're alike in that regard. Great moms and deadbeat dads." he sighed.

"What were your parents like?"

"My mom's stubborn, but she loved me and my little sister a lot. I'm starting to realize just how much my fights with dad stressed her out. As for my father, I used to idolize him. I wanted to be him even but as I got older I realized how hypocritical he was. That's how our fighting started. We never had a proper conversation after that unless my sister was around. In the end, our fighting got me sent down here."

Hazbin Hotel: The Judge (Male Fallen Angel x Charlie Morningstar)Where stories live. Discover now