quick update for readers and such

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first and for most, I would like to say a few words about Reita.

His passing was a hard hit, I was in shock to hear his passing. The GazettE has been a very special band to me for a very long time, the hardest times in my life their music was a way for me to cope through them. Reita was a talented bassist, I would turn the bass up on my music and listen to his musical notes like a drug. I love every member of the GazettE, losing Reita also took a piece of me with him, a piece of me that was healed by his amazing talent and soul. I remember saying late watching their videos and funny interviews, Reita was kind and an inspiration to many! His VK style was just a part of my style growing up, his bandage was an icon to me, he will always be a legend in my heart for many things.

May he Rest In Peace, my sweet angel.


Konnichiwa! this is author-chan, I have been absent for a very long time due to life things that have altered me as a person. It's a part of living and growing but something's change a person to a point where hobbies turn into a thing of the past.

I however still love reading fan fiction and books, within me I know I love to write, I just lost a lot of motive and creativity while finding what I'm supposed to be ding in life. Am I supposed to be alive at all? just kidding, I wouldn't be alive if I wasn't supposed to, right? Anyway, after doing some soul searching and taking time into doing my hobbies again, I have found my motive and creativity in writing again.

I want to spend my time by revising this one-shot book and slowly seeping back into new chapters! I already brainstormed ideas, wrote them down and will be adding them to this book.

I hope people still read these, if not, I will use it as my outlet for my writing and let it be book someone just stumbles across.

For anyone who might be struggling in life, wether you are young or old, just know that life is always going to be testing your strength. You are strong enough to do what you want, you will find the right path, it may take time but you must remember that you are strong enough to follow it and it take it to your destination. I believe anyone can do it if you put your mind to it.



I hope you all have a wonderful day! I have already updated the few first chapters, I will be revising as I go so auto correct don't be making the wrong corrections (every time I spell Uruha it be like Uraha. >~<)

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