Practicing Kissing. Reita x Reader

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Ohoho! Could you imagine practicing how to kiss with Reita!? Heheheh! Maybe something more then kissing!?
Reita: shut up let the readers read!
Yeah, Yeah Reita! Shut up!
Reita: enjoy! (・ิω・ิ)
That's my line...

"No, no, no, Reita! Like this!"
(y/n) spent literally all afternoon teaching her friend, Reita, how to kiss.
"Caress my cheek." She instructed
"And close your eyes... as you slowly lean in"
"W-wait! What if she rejects the kiss!?" Reita asked worriedly
"Reita, if the girl doesn't like you, she wouldn't let you caress her face so sweetly."
Reita had asked (y/n) instructions on how to kiss because he said he liked a girl and wanted to tell her he likes her with a kiss; but (y/n) had no idea, that it is her he likes. Yes, Reita was enjoying the hell out it. Kissing her. But what made him so nervous is that her not knowing he likes her.

"What if she doesn't like me back? Or doesn't like me at all!?"
"Reita, Reita, Reita..." (y/n) said under her breath as she let out a long sigh.
"If she didn't like you at all, you wouldn't be hanging out with her."
Reita groaned and sat back on the couch as he was exhausted and fed up.

"Don't give up. Come on!- here, I'll be you, and you'll be the girl!"
(y/n) said cheerfully, trying to cheer the fed up Reita.
"But I'm me."
"Oh my gosh, Reita! Stop being difficult and let me teach you!" The (h/c) shouted at the blonde.
"Fine..." Reita sat up with his back curved and a bored expression on his face.
"Cheer up! And sit up straight will ya!? And put a look on your face! Smile!" Reita glared at her as she curved Reita lips up from the sides, giving him a smile.
"Alright, let's just practice then.
Okay, I'm you-"
(y/n) shouted, making Reita jerk back from being startled.
"Come here" (y/n) grabbed Reita's face and kissed him. He widened his eye's at her sudden action.
"You can do that if you want. Just do it at the perfect moment."
Reita's face had a pink blush, he turned his head away, trying to hide it from her, even though his nose band hid most of it.
"Awww! Reita! You're blushing!"
Reita did not like that. He only blushed more.
"Oi! Give me that!"
(y/n) took Reita's nose band and put it on. Oh how Reita was really annoyed when she did that.
"Maybe it'll be easier if you didn't wear this." She suggested adjusting the nose band.
"Are you going to teach me or play with my nose band?"
Reita hissed, making the (h/c) haired girl pout.

"Okay, I think I'll keep this on to be more like you."
"Can we jus-"
"Yeahyeahyeah! Calm down!"
The two weren't making any progress. (y/n) was probably just trying to somehow get herself out the situation. She has been trying to teach him for an hour now.
"Okay, from your posture, I'm guessing the girl is annoyed and irritated by you." The (h/c) teased at Reita's posture. He sighed and sat up straight and-somehow- tried to act like the girl.
"Okay, here we go..."
(y/n) began by moving Reita's bangs out of his eye's
"Does she have bangs?"
She asked before going onto the next step
"No." Reita answered
"Forget that step. Substitute it with what I'm about to do."
She stroked Reita's head on the side and gently trailed her hand down to his cheek and caressed it. Reita swallowed nervously but stayed calm.
She then closed her eye's and slowly leaned in for a kiss.
Reita closed his eye's and slowly melted into the kiss.
The two locked lips for a few seconds and then parted gently.
Reita blushed was satisfied with the kiss. It was soft and gentle, it was loving and sweet, it felt like an actual kiss.
"Now you be you and kiss me."
(y/n) said -or more like commanded, and handed Reita his nose band back. Reita nodded and put his nose band on.

Reita did the same as (y/n) did.
He stroked the side of her head, gently trailed to her cheek, caressed it, then closed his eyes and slowly leaned in for a kiss. Locking lips for a few seconds then gently parting them.
"S-so, d-did I-I do it r-right?" Reita asked nervously
"It was soft and gentle,"
Just like her kiss
"It was loving and sweet,"
Just like her kiss
"Annnnd it felt like an actual kiss!"
Just. Like. Her. Kiss.
Reita was filled with joy. He knows how to kiss, now he just to somehow kiss her in a confessional way. Or make it feel confessional.
"Well, when you do it, tell me how it goes. Kay?" (y/n) said grinning. Reita nervously laughed and nodded.
"I'll drop by later tonight if you're still awake."
"Oh I definitely will! I just gotta know if my teaching at kissing is good!" She said her last sentence desperately.
"You've taught others how to kiss before!?" Reita whined out.
(y/n) looked at the blonde strangely from his sudden attitude.
"No, I've taught myself how to kiss with an apple since I got into boys and am hoping one day it pays off."
Reita sighed in relief, making her give him a suspicious look.
"Well, I must be on my way now. Better uh, make a date with that girl." Reita said getting up off the couch.

Later that day. At night.

'Come on, Reita! You got this!'
Reita repeated those words in his head as he walked to (y/n) apartment with a small bouquet of (favorite flowers).
He knocked on her door and took a deep breath.
"Who is it!?"
(y/n)'s voice hollered on the other side of the door.
"It-is Rei-ta!" Reita sounded out his words like he always did when he went over to (y/n)'s.
"Come in!"
Reita let himself in and walked over to the couch where (y/n) was sitting at and reading a book.
"How you doin? Ooh~ are those for me!?" She teased looking at the flowers.
"I'm just kidding with you! So this girl likes the same flowers as me?" She said, turning the page in her book.
"Oh... then who-"
"They're for you"
(y/n) turned to Reita who was now blushing madly.
"Oh..." she didn't know what to say or do.
Reita sat down next to her and placed the flowers on the coffee table in front of them.

"So.. how it go with that girl!? Did my teaching pay off!?" (y/n) asked with an excited smile.
Reita swallowed his courage and said, "l-let's see." Reita gently grabbed (y/n)'s face and kissed her... passionately?
(y/n) widened her eye's then slowly melted into the kiss.
Reita licked her lips asking for an entrance, but (y/n) wanted to put hm to the test. Reita bit the girl's lower lip, making her moan. He took advantage of the chance and slipped his tongue in her mouth, giving her a kiss she never thought Reita could do. She was really impressed by Reita's deep and sexy kiss.

The two spent broke the kiss for air to breathe. Reita blushed madly and averted his gaze.
(y/n) was also blushing madly. Something she rarely did.
"Sooooo... I'm the girl?" She asked wrapping her arms around the blushing blonde. Reita averted his eye's up to hers shyly
"Y-yeah..." Reita said in a low tone. (y/n) grabbed his chin and tilted his head.
"Well," she began.
"Where'd you learn how to kiss like that?"
"You. When you said you taught yourself how to kiss with an apple... well, I thought I could teach myself with one."
The (h/c) hair smirked at the blonde and gently pushed him back on the couch
"Well, maybe I can teach you a little something else." She said as she climbed on top of Reita, turning his face cherry red.
"You better do better than what I'm about to teach you."
(y/n) smirked as she undid both hers and Reita's pants.

The next night, Reita came back and did better than what (y/n) had taught him. *Wink, wink*
Heheheh! I liked writing this one!(・ิω・ิ)
Reita: I'm sure you did. Took you three hours to write. What were you doing? Spacing out and thinking of me?
Reita: *pouts*
Anyway, hope you liked it!
Reita: please vote and comment!
That's my line..
Reita: bye-b-!
Reita: sorry for any mistakes!
Reita: ;-)

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