Author-chan's experience seeing the GazettE live

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Sorry I just gotta brag.
I might delete this later I don't know.


So, this was my first concert I've ever gone to and it was the best! Ohmigosh, when they came out on stage, I nearly died.(ŏ﹏ŏ)
Reita was first and I wanted to cry, Aoi was second and Ohmigosh! My heart started beating out of my chest! All I did was scream 'Aoi/Aoi-kun, I love you!', 'I love you, Aoi/Aoi-kun!' I just wanted to cry when I saw him! Okay enough of Aoi for now, then I think Kai or Uruha was next. (I didn't have the best view) Kai made me scream, Uruha made me scream his name over and over, and when Ruki came out, Ohmigosh, I've never screamed so loud in my life! I was jumping up and down just so excited and happy to see him! \(^o^)/

I can't remember the songs they played in order, (and can barely remember what they played from the excitement, I was having too much fun to remember) but I know they sung Cockroach, Vortex, Venomous Spider's Web, Sludgy Cult, Ominous, Derangement, Filth In The Beauty, Undying, Ugly, The Suicide Circus, and I can't remember a few others. And the encore was Agony and Tomorrow Never Dies.

My favorites were Vortex, Cockroach, Sludgy Cult, Derangement, Filth In The Beauty, Ugly, and Agony and Tomorrow Never Dies. (Even though I really don't like listening to that song because it reminds me of when I used to think about suicide so much, that I attempted it a few times, and I used to listen to that song to change my mind about death)

Anyway, I had the greatest time. I rocked out so much, my body hurts. The only thing I didn't like was the people around me weren't really rocking out like me. They were taking pics and videos, I think I understand what Reita said about taking pictures/videos now. XD
But I had fun and that's all that's mattered to me. \(^o^)/(・ิω・ิ)

Let me tell you what happened while waiting outside; (・ิω・ิ)
so I was standing outside, waiting to get in like everyone else, and this guy walks by, dressed just like fxxking Ruki.
( ゚д゚) I nearly screamed and had a heart attack, but I noticed he was too tall to be Ruki. He stopped by some people a few feet from me, and I got a good look at him and went, 'nehhh, not Ruki.' (-ω-)
But Ohmigosh, he dressed very well like Ruki. He also had Ruki's cheekbones when he smiled, that sort of made my heart flutter. (*^。^*) He was pretty cute to be honest. (*´ω`*) I wish I would've said something when he walked by me like, 'you nearly gave me a heart attack! I gotta have a picture with you', 'wow! You look great! I almost mistakened you for Ruki. Can I get a picture with you?' I don't know, anything to get to talk to him or get close to him. (≧ω≦) I don't know, maybe I was just desperate to get him to like me or something... XD
I feel like I regret not saying anything...... ˘_ ˘

I didn't make any friends because I'm too God damn shy. (God damn personality of mine -_-)
I did talk to the two girls behind me a few times but meh, I don't know. We didn't really hit it off. All I cared about was the concert.

The merchandise line was long. I was dying to get a poster of my love, Aoi! ˘ω˘ but sadly, as soon as got close to being next, it sold out. :'(
But I did get Undying limited edition single, a shirt, (the same one Aoi wore on stage! >ω<) and a mini calendar! ^ω^

Now let me brag about Aoi...
Ohmigosh! I didn't have the best view to see the full stage, but I had good view of Aoi!
I almost never took my eye's off him! (Because he was all I could really see, well I saw Reita too) I was soo amazed to see him! And his hair flips literally swept me off my feet! He's so fabulous! just so amazing! I can't get enough of him! Ohmigosh! I tweeted him countless times on the ride home! I probably annoyed him because most of them were, 'Aoi, I love you!', 'Aoi-kun! I love you! Hope to see you again!', 'I love you Aoi!', 'thanks for tonight! I love you!', 'I love you!'
Just about everything I tweeted him had 'I love you' in it. Like I said, I probably annoyed him.
I wish I would've bought VIP, I could've caught one of Aoi's guitar picks at the end of the concert. I would've died right there if I caught one. I had enough to buy one VIP ticket but sadly nobody would let me go to L.A. alone. :'(((

I wanna meet Aoi and smuggle a hug from him!
I want anything from Aoi! I want a hug! A kiss! A night with him! In bed! (Okay that crosses the line. XD) but yessss I want anything from Aoi! Aoi! I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you! :3 XD
When he looked in my direction, where I was standing, all I did was scream 'Aoiiii! I love youuu!', 'Aoi-kun!', 'I love you Aoi!' And I cheered him on when he did hid solos!

I had an amazing time!
Best night of my life!
Hopefully when I see them again in the future, I'll buy a VIP ticket!

Bye-bye! (For now) >ω<


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