A Cuple Of Silly Ducks. Uruha x Reader

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ENJOY!? (≧ω≦)
(y/n/n) = your nickname
two fellow friends sat in an old car that was sitting in an old junkyard lot. They came here often with friends. They're friends and them claimed the junkyard as a clubhouse, they even fixed up the little old building that was on the lot into a clubhouse. Amature as it may be, they all were fond of the place and came and had meeting on a daily basis.
"Where do you think Reita is, Uru?"
The (e/c) eyed female asked her light brown haired friend
"I don't know, hitting on girls?"
The male replied laughing

Reita & Ruki afar from (y/n) & Uruha

"How do you think we can distract them, Reita?" A short blonde haired male asked his blonde haired friend who wore a nose band
"Really Ruki? Distract? We need them outta there!"
"Shh! Keep your voice down!"
The two watched their two friends- (y/n) & Uruha- from afar sitting at their so called special place.
"I got an idea!" Reita said snapping his finger

He pulled a couple of dollar bills out of his pocket and picked up some string he found on the ground.
"Ruki, you're not afraid of animals are you?" Reita asked curiously. Ruki tilted his head and shrugged
"No. I guess. What kind of animals are we talking-"
Before Ruki could finish, he jumped back from his friend and fell on his bottom on the ground as Reita held up a duck in front him, startling the poor little Ruki.
"Just a duck" Reita said smiling
Ruki picked himself up off the ground and brushed the dirt and grass off his pants.
"What are you planning on doing with that duck?" He asked curiously. Reita held the duck down on the ground and asked Ruki to help relax the animal by petting it. Ruki hesitated at first but then slowly bent down and started to gently stroke the animal. Reita poked a hole in the dollar bills and tied them on the string.
"Keep er' relaxed okay? I'm going to tie the string around its ankle"
Ruki kept petting the duck keeping him relaxed while Reita tied the string around the duck's ankle.
"What do you exactly hope this does?"
"When (y/n) & Uruha see the money, they'll go after it and then we'll have our spot."
Ruki got the idea and nodded.
"Go get em'!"

As with (y/n/n) & Uru

"Otay, then where do you think Ruki is?"
Uru thought for a moment then bitterly smiled before replying
"I don't know..."
The two went silent for a moment; then, they saw a little duck walk by... dragging a dollar?... two dollars? behind him.
"Hey look a dollar!" (y/n/n) exclaimed.
"Two dollars!" Uru said as he jumped out of the car they sat in and started following the duck, while (y/n/n) followed behind them.
"Here ducky, ducky~!"
"Here ducky~!"

Reita & Ruki

"There they go" Ruki said as he watched the two chase the duck for the bucks
"Perfect! Now's our chance!"
The two ran and hopped in the old car where (y/n) & Uruha sat.
"Best seat in the junkyard." Reita said making himself comfortable
"Now what?" Ruki said
Reita turned to Ruki and smirked
"Whatever we want"

Meanwhile, let's see the success of (y/n/n) & Uru following the duck

"We gotta dollar~! We gotta dollar~! Hey hey~!"
(y/n/n) & Uru childishly sang & danced gleefully together, surrounded by a flock of ducks as they held the dollars they got from the duck that had the dollars.
"We got some bucks from a duck~! Hey hey~!"
The two finished smiling with they're eye's locked on their dollars.
"Let's go grab something at the mini market!" Uru exclaimed, running ahead of (y/n/n)
"Hey! Wait up!" The (h/c) haired called out as she chased her friend.

~Reita & Ruki sittin' in a car,
K-I-S-S-I-N-G!~ (damn it, I spoiled it! XD)

"Whatever we want???" Ruki shyly and curiously said with a pink blush across his face
"Aww! Don't look so shy!" Reita teasingly said sitting up and hugging Ruki closer to him. Ruki's blush got darker and be turned away, hiding his now deep red blush. Reita stroked Ruki's perfectly styled hair, messing it up and leaned his head on Ruki's shoulder.
"You're always so shy Ruki-kun... even when we're alone..." Reita softly said. Ruki sighed and grabbed Reita's hand, stopping him from stroking his -now- half messy hair. Reita sat up and sighed. It was now quiet between the two until Ruki shifted around to face Reita, Reita glanced at Ruki out of the corner of his eye and waited for him to say something.
"R-Reita.., there's.. s-something I-I want to... tell you..." Ruki began nervously, averting his eye's down at his hands. This caught Reita's attention, Reita's eye's were filled with curiosity, concern and some fear?
Ruki swallowed his confidence and averted his eye's to Reita's
"Reita.., I..."

Meanwhile... Uru & (y/n/n)...

"Not bad for two dollars!" Uru said... eating the pickle he bought with his dollar. While (y/n/n) also bought herself one, it was the only thing they could buy with the two dollars.
They were walking back to the junkyard and to the old car they were sitting from the mini market.
"You look like you're really enjoying that pickle Uru..."
(y/n/n) said lowly, disappointed Uru got something he enjoyed while she didn't. Uru took another bite then frowned his eyebrows and turned to (y/n/n) then asked, "are these kosher?" The (e/c) eyed sweetheart shrugged and replied, "I don't know" Uru shrugged and took another bite.
"Say, wanna buy my pickle for 50 cents?" (y/n/n) offered. Uru thought for a moment then said, "how about a nickel?" (y/n/n) chuckle and agreed. "Otay!"
Uru handed her a nickel he had in his pocket while she handed him her pickle.
"I have two pickles~ I have two pickles~ I have two pickles..today~ ..hey~ ..hey a doot~ dat dee~ little woo~ wang wing biggle~ I have two pickles~ to..day~..hey hey~"
Uru happily sang with the two pickles in his hands.
(y/n/n) giggled at her Uru and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.
"Let's get back to the clubhouse."
"Yeah, maybe Kai, Ryoga or... someone's there."

And now with Reitu- I Reita & Ruki! >ω<

"Reita.., I... don't want..." Ruki said his words in a monotone. Reita's eye's widened with tears beginning to spill from them.
"I don't want to be just dating you... I-I love you!" Ruki said turning away from Reita, hanging his head down, holding back his tears. Reita went speechless. He & Ruki have been secretly dating for almost a year now. Yes they held hands, yes they kissed here & there, but what they've never did, was say 'I love you' to each other.

"I understand if you don't love me..." Ruki said with a sob
"I understand you're not a person of love. If you don't... love me a-and don't wanna date me any more, i-it's okay.. just please... please tell me we can still be friends..." Ruki's voice cracked and he started crying. Reita started crying as well. Reita knew Ruki was right about him not being a person of love. Before Ruki asked Reita out, Reita was popular with all the girls in town. And Reita hesitated to give that up when Ruki walked up to him nervously and asked Reita out to dinner, but Reita... accepted, because he always felt something towards Ruki that he never understood; and today, as of this moment, Reita found out what it was.

"R-Ruki... I... I..." Reita tried to get the words out. Instead, he scooted closer to Ruki and grabbed his shoulder, making Ruki turn his head and facing Reita. Before Ruki knew it, Reita pressed his lips against Ruki's.
Ruki blushed and kissed Reita back. They broke the kiss for some air to breathe. Reita hugged Ruki and told him, "I love you, Ruki." Ruki's heart skipped a beat and he hugged Reita back tightly.

Reita & Ruki jumped and pushed each other out their embrace as they heard two familiar voices that belonged to two dorks they knew.
(y/n) said cupping her cheeks with a blush, admiring the cute couple.
Reita & Ruki were a blushing mess. Both of the males faces were a bright red.
"So, this must've been going on for some time, eh!?" (y/n/n) teased. Ruki averted his eye's and bit his lip. Ruki was the one who liked, oh what's the word? Keeping personal things private? Yeah, that was it.
"So, how's this Reita been treating you? Like a dream sweetheart?" Once again, (y/n/n) teased. Ruki got irritated and decided to put it to an end.
"Go fxxk the duck, (y/n/n)..."
Ruki said before him & Reita got up and left, leaving the (h/c) haired with wide eyes.
"Wanna see what the duck can do?" Uru joked with a smirk.
(y/n/n) only sarcastically chuckled and began to walk off to who knows where.
"I was only joking!" Uru hollered as he caught up with (y/n/n), following her.

It's late, and I was bored.
So this was more like Ruki x Reita, huh? I ENJOYED WRITING THEIR SCENES! I SHOULD MAKE A REITUKI FANFIC! I don't know...
Hope you liked this silly idea. Oh, if anyone knows where I got the duck with the bucks and the pickle scene idea, and happen to know and love the movie, you're forever awesome. Lol! I'll give you a cookie! (≧ω≦)
Bye-bye! (For now) >ω<

Edited for misspellings.
Not entirely sure if all mistakes are corrected.

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