Secret Red Thread. Reita x Reader.

942 16 9

Requested by NouireLouitaz
Hope you like it! Sorry for taking so long! >ω<
Sorry for any mistakes in advance.
Enjoy! (*^。^*)

It was a peaceful afternoon for (y/n) (l/n). She sat quietly in her apartment drawing a picture of a beautiful view in her head (Idk if you can draw or not, I myself can't XD) she pictured a kitten walking through a field of flowers. She smiled as she made progress on her art.
She felt confident about being able to finish it in two hours.

Knock, knock

Maybe not.
"Kai-kun!!! What do you possibly want!?!?"
"It's a surprise~!!!"
"Come in, the doors unlocked!"
(y/n) covered her eyes with her hands as she waited for her best friend, Kai, to bring in his surprise for her.
"What the hell kind of idiot leaves their door unlocked???"
An unfamiliar male voice said.
(y/n) uncovered her angry eyes and shot a glare at the blonde male wearing a band over his nose she saw Kai dragging in with him.
"Idiot huh?" She stood up with her hands on her hips, slightly angry.
"Calm down, (y/n)-chan! (y/n), this is my friend Reita! Reita, this is my friend, (y/n)!" Kai introduced the two eagerly, smiling.
"Konnichiwa, Rei-ta."
"Konnichiwa, (y/-n)."
The two hissed at each other.

"Guys! Guys! Calm down!"
Kai raised his voice at the not so friendly acquaintances.
"Reita apologize about what you said."
"What!?" Reita said in disbelief
"I was just joking around!"
"Oh... well... okay... I see... I jumped to conclusions... I'm sorry." (y/n) apologized looking away from Reita.
Kai laugh nervously and immediately stopped as Reita & (y/n) looked at each other with expressionless faces.
"Why don't I make us dinner?"
Kai asked


"I like to play the bass guitar,"
"I like the sound of a bass guitar."
"I like bikes,"
"What kind are we talking about here?"
Reita & (y/n) had begun a little conversation at the dinner table as Kai cooked all three of them a meal. He glanced at the chatting two and smiled.
'This is going good... so far...'
He thought.
"Alrighty~ dinners ready!"
Kai plated three dishes and served Reita & (y/n) first.

"Japanese Ginger Pork!"
Kai smiled.
"Eck! Gotta be kidding me..."
(y/n) was obviously impressed by the dish as she hummed.
Reita on the other... wasn't.
"Aww! Reita! You promised you'd like what I cook tonight!"
"This was a delicious dish, you had to ruin this it for me didn't you..." Reita pushed the food away from him and crossed his arms.
"You haven't even tried it Reita." (y/n) said with a mouthful.
"He never likes my cooking..."
"Some lady she is.." Reita muttered to Kai. Kai widened his eyes and clamped a hand over Reita's mouth.
"What was that?"
"N-nothing! He said, u-uh, some cutie you are! Heh!"
Kai was not making it any better. Reita widened his eyes at Kai while (y/n) did the same.
"How about dessert?"


It became very silent as Kai went to get the desserts. Reita fiddled with his fingers and (y/n) played with the ceramic doggie statute on the dinner table.
"Hey..," Reita began.
"... yeah?"
"Can I say something?"
"Go ahead."
"... I'm sorry. For the bad first impression." He said fixing his noseband.
"I'm sorry also."
It went silent for a moment.
Kai peeked his head in the dining room and waited for them to say something else.
"I think you're a very friendly and p-pretty girl." Reita said nervously.
"Thank you."
"Maybe minus the friendly part."
(y/n) looked at Reita with an amused smiled and said, "I do have a problem with jumping to conclusions. But... I don't know. I think you're pretty cool."
Kai smiled as the two seemed to patch up the little things that happened. He decided to bring the desserts in now.

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