Puppy Love. Parent!Uruha x Child!Reader x Ruki

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Requested by xMegurineLukax
I hope you like it!
Sorry for any mistakes in advance.
Enjoy! (≧▽≦)

"Come on (y/n) honey, you get to go see what daddy does in the studio for today." Uruha spoke to his little five-year-old daughter.
Uruha had a baby girl after he got married; sadly, his wife passed away from cancer a year after they had their daughter.

She recently turned five and wished to see what her daddy does at work. Uruha had been too busy to show her, but today he only had work in the studio and (y/n) had a week off school, so he decided to make her wish come true.

"Yay~! I finally get to see where you work daddy!" The little girl jumped in his arms as he sat next to her on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"Yep! And you get to meet daddy's band mates. Don't be shy with them, they're really nice, they'll love you." Uruha said pinching her cheek at the end of his sentence.
"When can we go daddy?"
Little (y/n) asked in her little friendly voice.
Uruha picked her up and stood her up straight and answered, "as soon as you go brush your teeth and get dressed okay?"
"Kay, come on."
The father & daughter went to her room to get ready.

(At the studio)

Uruha drove up to the studio and saw his band mates cars already there. He got out of his car and got (y/n) then headed into the studio.

As they reached the door to the studio, Uruha bent down to his daughter and said, "remember what I said; these guys are daddy's good friends, they're really nice, so don't be shy. Okay?"
His little girl nodded with a smile. He held her hand as they entered.

"Konnichiwa, mina! I brought a little friend over today!" Uruha said holding his in front of him.
The guys turned took their eyes off what they were doing and turned to Uruha, smiles appeared on their faces in seconds as their eyes laid on the little girl.
"Guys, this is my daughter, (y/n)!" They awed her and walked over to introduce themselves.

"Hi there (y/n)! I'm Kai! It's nice to meet you!" Kai, the eager male with dark hair kindly said as he leaned down and offered a hand shake.
"Hi Kai! It's nice to meet you too!" The girl shook his hand smiling brightly.
"My daddy says you guys are his band mates, what instrument do you play?" She curiously asked
"I play the drums! Before you leave, I'll let you have a pair of my drumsticks, sound good?"
Kai excused himself and let Reita introduce himself.

"Hey little, (y/n), I'm Reita! I play the bass guitar! And I'm pretty awesome on it!" The blonde bassist with a nose band said as he ruffled her hair when he bent down to her level, making her giggle.
"Hiya Reita! Can I ask you something?" (y/n) asked
"Why do you wear-"
Reita let out a little scream and grabbed the girl's hand before she grabbed his nose band, the guys laughed at Reita.
"Hehe! Sorry, that was unpolite of me!" The little girl apologized with a blush.
Reita let go of her hand and let Aoi have his turn for an introduction.

"Konnichiwa, (y/n)! My name is Aoi! It's very nice to finally meet you, Uruha has said a few things about you! You're a very pretty little girl!" The silky black haired male pinched her cheek with a chuckle, adorning the child.
"Konnichiwa, Aoi! Daddy has said things about you guys too! What's your instrument?"
"I'm the rhythm guitarist!" He said with a thumbs up.
"Nice to meet you Aoi!" (y/n) giggled with a thumbs up.
Aoi smiled at her before moving over for Ruki.

"Konnichiwa, (y/n)-chan! I'm Ruki! It's very nice to meet you!" The dark brown haired male who wore glasses kneeled down to the little girl and stroked her head.
(y/n) blushed brightly with a shy smile, making Ruki smile with a chuckle.
"Konnichiwa, R-Ruki-san!" She shyly said.
"Ruki or Ruki-kun is just fine, you little cutie!" Ruki made (y/n)'s blush more visible.
"What instrument do you play, Ruki-kun?"
"Oh I don't play an instrument, I sing! But I do know how to play the guitar and the drums!"
(y/n) shyly smiled at Ruki and he smiled back.

"Alrighty~ shall we demonstrate our work to (y/n)?" Uruha asked.
The guys looked at each other with smiles then Kai said, "yeah!"
"So honey, who do you wanna see do their work up close first?"
(y/n) didn't have to think twice to decide who she wanted to see work.
"Ruki-kun!" The little girl said happily, making Ruki giggle and pick her up in his arms.
"Come on, (y/n)-chan, Ruki-kun will show you his work." He carried her over to the table he was sitting at and sat her in the chair next to his.
"I write the words to our songs. The song I'm writing now is called, 'Last Heaven'."
"Sounds like a beautiful song!"
"It is. I'm almost finished with it, I'll let you read the words when I'm done, or I can read them to you."
The other four watched how (y/n) and Ruki got along. Reita pulled out his phone and took a picture of the two.
"She's adorable Uru! You got a good child there!" Aoi complimented.
"Thanks, Aoi."
The guys went back to their own work as Ruki did his with (y/n).

Throughout the time in the studio, (y/n) spent most of her time with Ruki. And he didn't mind at all. He really enjoyed being with the little girl. The other guys seemed a little jealous about it, they wanted to play with her too.
Ruki was sitting on the couch with (y/n) in his lap as he showed her pictures of his dog Koron.
"Hey (y/n)-chan, Kai-kun has something for you~" Kai said sitting on the couch, catching her attention.
"Here, you see what Kai has for you while I go do something real quick." Ruki said as he picked the girl up off his lap and sat her next to Kai.
"Okay now, Kai-kun is going to teach you how to play patty cake!" Kai exclaimed. Aoi & Reita whipped their heads to Kai and dashed over.
"I wanted to teach her that!" The black & blonde haired said simultaneously then looked at each other.
"You guys will have your turn, don't whine."

Uruha walked over to Ruki who getting himself a drink from the tiny refrigerator in the corner.
"How's it going?" Uruha asked Ruki.
"It's great." He answered taking a drink his water.
"I, um, I'm sorry (y/n) is very open to you the most. I bet you want a moment alone don't you?" Uruha carefully asked. Ruki scoffed and took another drink, making Uruha wonder what that meant.
"Why would you think that?"
Ruki said.
"I really enjoy (y/n). She's so cute and calm and adorable, did I mention adorable?"
Uruha laughed.
"Heheh! But really Uru, I wouldn't decline to have her around me for anything. She makes me feel like a big brother."
Ruki told Uruha what he felt, making him smile.
"She's a really smart girl. What grade is she in?"
Ruki's raised his eyebrows in surprise then smiled.
"Wow! That's great!"
"It is. I did promise her mom I'd take good care of her before she.. you know."
"I know."
Uruha & Ruki looked over to the couch where (y/n) was Kai, Aoi & Reita play patty cake. All four had bright smiles on their faces.
"Well, we should be leaving soon." Uruha said as he exhaled.
"Aww, already?" Ruki's whined.
"Haha! Yes. But you and the guys will see her again soon. Don't worry."
The two walked over to the four and Uruha spoke up.

"Ahem! Guys,"
"Huh?" The four turned to Uruha.
"(y/n) gotta get going."
Their faces dropped.
"Aww, but daddy, I don't wanna go." (y/n) whined with a frown.
"Five more minutes!?" Aoi asked.
"Please?" Reita begged.
"Pretty please?" Kai joined.
Uruha & Ruki laughed at the three men.
"I'm sorry but we have to. You'll all see her again soon."
Their faces brightened up with smiles.
"Maybe tomorrow, since it's your guys day off and I have a few things to do, you guys can watch her for me if you want." Uruha said with a sly smile.
"Oh differently!"
Ruki & the guys agreed.
"Sound good to you, (y/n)-chan?" Ruki asked with a big smile as he picked her up.
"Yes, Ruki-kun! I can't wait to see you again!" She answered with a hug.
"See you soon!" Aoi gave the little girl a kiss on the cheek, then Reita ruffled her hair making her giggle, and then Kai came up with a pair of drumsticks and handed them to her.
"You keep them, okay?"
Kai nodded then gave her a kiss on top of her head.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Ruki hugged the girl and kissed her cheek, making her blush.
He sat her down then Uruha grabbed her hand and they walked to the door.
"See you tomorrow!"
Both Uruha & (y/n) said waving before closing the door.

"So, (y/n), do you like daddy's friends?" Uruha asked.
"Yeah. Especially Ruki-kun. He's really nice and really cute!" The little girl said smiling at the ground shyly.
Uruha looked down at her and chuckled. He realized why she spent most of the time with him, he adored her and her puppy love for him.
"Well, you'll be seeing him tomorrow."


I hope you liked it! I'm making a part 2 for the baby sitting part! Because I have the perfect puppy love scenario! (≧ω≦)
Sorry for the delay. I had tons of free time today but my obsession with James Kidd kinda took it away. >.<
Please vote & comment!

Bye-bye! (For now) (*^。^*)

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