Shall We Have a Cup of Coffee? Ruki x Reader

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Sorry I'm writing another Ruki one. I'm working on an Aoi one that's almost finished ^ω^
Anyway, I got this idea while writing it on my Facebook.
Hope you like it. Oh, and I hope you know what "a cup of coffee" means in slang...
Enjoy! ^ω^
(Note: I'm going to use their real names in here.)

"Oh boy, I need another cup of coffee..." (y/n) said, pouring herself another cup of coffee.
(y/n) and her long-time relationship with her boyfriend, Takanori, had moved into a new house, along with their friend, Akira.
All day, every day, since they moved in, she had been cleaning and moving things around the new house, finding plenty of things that needed fixing that weren't known to the seller. They have been there for about 4 days. With three people living in one house, there were many boxes to unpack, many organizations and cleaning. And it's not easy when you're the only one who wants to get things done. Of course, Takanori loves getting things done, but it was hard for him with going to work in the morning and coming home late and tired from work. Akira on the other hand just likes to sit around and play video games, which caused him and her to bicker at each other a few times. In the end of their little arguments, Akira would always do something small to help.

Today, it was a Friday. On Fridays, Takanori got off work early. As (y/n) worked around the house, Akira was in the living room with Kouyou- who was supposed to help her with fixing the house- playing on his Xbox... along with Kouyou's little nephews. (y/n) drank her cup of coffee and thought about her lover.
'He should be home soon...'
With a glance at her watch, which was given to her by Takanori himself, a beautiful gold chain hugged her small wrist gently, the little gems encrusted around the face twinkled in the sunlight from the window above the Kitchen sink.

"Fu-k! Kouyou! That's cheating!"
"Dude! Watch your language! My little nephews are here!"

(y/n) heard Akira and Kouyou in the living room. She chuckled to herself about the two and took a sip of her coffee.
"Uncle Kouyou-"
"You don't need to know what it means!"
She sighed with a bitter smile, grabbed her mug and walked to the living room.
"Hey, guys!" She greeted them with a hand on her hip, voice full of sarcastic cheer
"Hey (y/n)-chan! How goes the cleaning?" Akira said keeping his eye is on the t.v. Kouyou and his nephews waved at her.
"Good, good. Would be better if I had some help."
She replied not trying to sound desperate, even though she was.
"Akira, why don't we take a break and help (y/n) with the house?" Kouyou suggested.
(y/n) curled her lips and waited for his answer.
"Um... yeah. Sure." he pauses his game and gets up from the couch. (y/n) smiled and gave the boys a hug
"Thanks, guys!"
"What would you have us do?"
"Ummm..." she thought for a moment
"Kouyou, you'll clean the back yard. Akira, you'll clean your bathroom and room."
She said pointing at them as she gave them their work orders.
"Aww, but it's my room!"
Akira whined. She sighed and patted his shoulder and added,
"... you almost haven't touched your room since we moved in... it's like a ram shack in there!"
"Ramshack? You better get up there and clean it." Kouyou said in a slightly serious tone and grin, not being too harsh towards his best friend.
"It's my room! I should have it how I want it!" Akira argued back. The other two sighed and were silent for a moment.
"Uncle Kouyou, what can we do?" One of Kouyou's nephew's asked.
The girl smiled at him and kneeled down to speak but was cut off by Akira, grabbing the boy by his shoulders
"You can help clean my room!" Akira said.
"Dude! No way! They're not taking one step in your room!" Kou said, grabbing both of his nephew's and putting them behind his long legs. (y/n) stood up and grabbed two trash bags she had set out the night before, then took Kou's nephew out back to the back yard.
"Why don't you two get started on cleaning the backyard, yeah? Just pick up the trash around the yard. Kay? If you see something moving, call for your uncle." (y/n) said politely to the young boys. They nodded with shy smiles in response and went out back.
"Uncle Kou will be out in a few minutes to help!"
She said and then walked back over to the adults.

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