High School Crush. Kai x Reader

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Another day at school, which meant another day of swooning for you. Well for just about every girl at school.
You silently walked down the noisy hall to the cafeteria for lunch.
"Hey (y/n)!"
You heard your friend, Maka call from behind.
"What, Maka?"
You asked duly.
"You ok?"
You raise your head and opened your mouth to talk but Maka quickly held up her finger and said, "it's Kai, isn't it?"
You sighed and nodded with shame. Maka patted your back and started to lecture you. The both of you walked to your table while Maka went on about her lecture of you needing to stop watching and letting Kai walk by you while you have the chance to talk to him. But heck, how can you when you had a huge crush on him and can barely say hi, not only that but just about every girl in school talks to him and swoons over him.

"You know what I'm saying?"
Maka asked turning to you.
You didn't listen to a word she said, yet she believed you.
Maka said she'd see you later and walked off to have lunch with her other friends, leaving you to go have your lunch with your other friends.

As you were walking to your table, with your bangs in your eyes view, your accidentally bumped into a certain someone.
"Ah! Gomen ne! Gomen ne!"
You looked down at yourself and your eyes widened as you were soaked in your drink. You were too shocked and worried about how you will look in front of your crush, you didn't realize it was him who bumped into you and getting your drink on you.

"I-I-It's okay-"
"No, it's not! I ruined your good looks!"
Your head shot up at you heard 'good looks' and found out it, Kai is in this situation.
"G-good looks?" you asked confused.
"Yes! You're always so dressed and permed and proper, I ruined your outfit! I'm so sorry! Gomen ne!"
You couldn't believe that was Kia being the way he was, and saying these words that mean a lot to you. Well, they mean a lot because he's saying them.

"K-Kai, it's okay. I-I think I have an extra s-shirt in my backpack."
"Wait here!"
You hollered but he ran off to a table and got into his backpack, pulling out shirt.
You blushed and faced the ground to hide it, then Kai came back and handed you the shirt.
"Here, it's clean."
You grabbed the shirt and thanked him with a small bow. Kai smiled with a blush and chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.
You giggled and blushed so visible, Kai said, "you're c-cute when you blush." He turned away shyly.
"T-thanks." You chuckled out.

"We should... hang out sometime."
Kai said stepping back a little with a smile.
You smiled back and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. That would be nice."
"Great.... b-bye!"
Kai walked back to his table while not taking his eyes off you, and you did the same.

You smiled so much at the table, your friends had to ask what was up.

You're only response,



It's short and cheesy I know. And hey I'm back! Sorry for being away so long. I moved from California to Texas and started school out here and it was rough. Then things got better and back to rough after getting my heart broken. But I will try to write while on holiday but idk I'm going back to California and idk if my internet will be good.
But konnichiwa mina! ❤️
Note, I wrote this class when I should've been studying for exams. XD

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