You Fit My Fetish. Reita x Reader

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I didn't know what kind of title to put. XD
Enjoy! ^ω^
(y/n), a young lady opened a bag of chips in the kitchen and poured them into a bowl, she opened another bag and poured it into another bowl.
It was a Friday night and her, her boyfriend -Reita- and their friends were having a gaming night (if you don't play video games, you really should. (ω) Heheh!) As he prepared the game console, (y/n) prepared the snacks and drinks.

Ring ring

"Reita! Get the door!" (y/n) hollered from the kitchen.
"Why can't you get it!?" Reita hollered back
"I'm stirring in the mix for the dip, lazy ass!" She said jokingly with a chuckle. Reita mocked her joke and got up off the floor to answer the door, (y/n) walked over to the fridge to get drinks, grabbing a variety of bottles.

"VIDEO GAMES!" Uruha cheered as he walked into the house then over to to the shelf filled with games, hugging it. Kai walked over to his friend and nudged him to move so he could browse the shelf.
"What do you guys wanna play?" Kai asked as his fingertips dragged across the spines.
"I don't know, it's up to you"
Reita said turning on his console, grabbing controllers for everyone.
"We should all vote on-"
Before Reita could finish, Kai cut him off with a voice of joy, saying, "let's play New Super Mario Bros.!" With joy while holding the game up high with a bright smile.
"No" everyone said in unison.
He frowned and put the game back then pulled out another one
"Mario Party!" he cheered again
"No" everyone said again
He frowned again, put the game back, pulled another out

"Wii Sports!"
"Mario Kart"
"How about Metroid!?"
"That's a single player game"
"Assassin's Creed?"
"Does it look like I set up my Xbox?"
Reita spoke with a small sigh.
Kai pouted and backed away from the shelf, seating himself on the couch.
"As I was going to say, we should all vote for a game to play" Reita suggested, placing his hand on his hips, everyone looked at each other then nodded.

"Reita! Can you give me a hand!?" (y/n) hollered from the kitchen, but no voice was heard in response. The guys kept scanning the shelf for a game to vote on.

"Reita!" (y/n) called out, still no response
"Reiiiitaaaa!" she called out once more
".... what...?"
(y/n) finally got a response but not as expected. His response was very faint and quiet, he obviously wasn't paying attention.
"Never mind, I got it" she said walking into the living room with her hands full.
"Hey! Let me give you hand there!" Ruki said as he helped with the snacks and drinks.
"You know you could've asked for help" Reita turned around and raced over to grab a few things. 

"I called your name a thousand times" (y/n) added as she sat on the couch, popping open her favorite drink. "So what are we playing tonight?" she asked
"How about Sonic The Hedgehog?" Kai suggested
"No, no! Star Fox: Assault!" Uruha chimed in
"Soul Caliber!" Aoi shouted
"TimeSplitters?" Ruki quietly asked

"Final Fantasy!" 

"Mario Tennis!"

Everyone kept suggesting games and no one agreed.
"How about-"
"Let's Smash! Yeah!" (y/n) cheered pulling out a game from a bag, Ruki spit his drink out from a laugh that escaped his mouth.

"That's what she said." Ruki whispered under his breathe, earning a glare form the girl next to him.

The guys turned their heads and looked at the game she held in her hands.
"Super Smash Bros. Melee..." Kai said, unfamiliar with the title.
"Yeah! I bought it today! I played it at one of my friends house and it's great!" She explained with enthusiasm, a grin growing across her face.
"You have friends that plays video games?" Aoi asked, grabbing a handful of chips, tossing one in his mouth. 
"Well, girlfriends. We love-" (y/n) was suddenly cut off by Kai,
"I never knew any other girl but you that loved video games"
He said tucking one arm under while rubbing his temple with the other, (y/n) chuckles shyly before speaking
"Well, there are a lot of girls that love video games. You just gotta get out there and meet them"
"Another thing...," Kai began
"A-Another thing, i-i-is-"
"Blah blah! Let's get gaming!"
(y/n) cut Kai off and injected the game disc into the console.
"Okay, we'll be playing one-on-ones matches,"
She began to explain how they were going to play tonights game.
"There are six of us in this room, teams of three. Who wants to be teamed up with who?" she asked as stood up in front of the group, scanning each of them.
"I wanna be with Kai" Aoi said hanging his arm around his friend next to him.
"I'm with my girl any day!" Reita said planting a kiss on his girlfriend's cheek, making her blush.
"Well, Ruki, Uruha, who you teaming up with?" Reita asked in a teasing tone with a laugh
"I'm joining team Kai" Uruha stepped next to Aoi
"Well, that leaves me with team (y/n)" Ruki said as he clapped his hands together.
"Cool, cool. But I'm making Reita team leader. It's team Reita" (y/n) explained as she grabbed Reita and Ruki's hand, holding their hands up in the air.
"It's team Kai over here!" Kai added boldly.
"Great! Let's get started!" Reita pumped his fist.

About two (2) hours and a half into gaming...

It quieted down as time ran out and the winner was going to be announced, Aoi gripped onto Kai's shoulders hoping he won- since they're teams. (y/n) had her hands buried in Reita's hair (don't you wish you could just bury your hands in Reita's hair!? ˘ω˘ sorry, back to the story) Anxiously waiting for the results
"YESSSS!" Reita and (y/n) cheered, Ruki clapping his hands next to them, sitting quietly on the couch. Aoi groaned and flopped down on the armchair while Kai nodded his head and opened a drink for himself.
"Team Reita, 34 wins!" (y/n) said high fiving Reita and Ruki
"Team Kai, 33 wins..." Kai sighed before chugging down his drink.
"Alright, break time. Woo!" Reita sat back on the couch and pulled out his phone.
"Hey Reita, isn't that you're new cell?" Uruha asked curiously
"Yeah, like it?"
"Yeah, it's nice looking"
"I'm going to go look for something more filling than chips. I mean if you don't mind, (y/n)" Ruki said standing up and walking to the kitchen
"Help yourself, sweetie."
"Cool, thanks."

(y/n) scooted over to Reita and rested her head on his shoulder, watching him mess with his new phone.
"What cha doing, babe?" She asked sweetly, snuggling closer.
"Just going through my contacts" Reita replied, a focused faced plastered on him.
"Mm, why?"
"Just setting ringtones for everyone"
"Oh, okay"
(y/n)'s message tone went off and she sat up and checked it carrying on with her own thing.
It was silent between the two but Aoi kai and Uruha were discussing strategy for the next round.
Soon, Ruki came back from the kitchen with a plate in his hands. He walked over to the couch and quietly stood behind it, directly behind Reita. (y/n) looked him and noticed Reita not realizing Ruki was right behind him, she then looked back at Ruki and mouthed a, 'are you trying to scare him?', Ruki nodded a no, but suddenly his eye's went wide as he glanced down at Reita's phone.
"Oh my gosh!" Ruki shouted.
"Ruki!? Wtf!?" Reita said, jumping in startled fear. Everyone heard a loud thud and realized it was the phone.
"Dammit! Where'd it go?" Reita said getting up off the couch and looking around on the floor for it.
"(y/n) can call it" Ruki suggested, a grin appearing on his face.
"No, no! It's fine! I'll find it" Reita assured. 
"I have my phone right here. Hang on" (y/n) said going on her phone to call Reita's, not noticing Ruki grinning like hell.
"I think I found-"
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Aoi, Kai and Uruha started laughing like hyenas at the ringtone, (y/n)'s face soon turned pink and it got even a darker shade of pink when Kai rolled off the couch from laughing so hard, the ringtone kept going.
Ruki laughed and patted (y/n)'s shoulder, making her flinch.
"FVCK!!" Reita said before declining the call to shut the ringtone off, he sighed and threw his phone on the couch. He soon noticed (y/n)'s blushed face and sat next to her with a hug.
"It was just a joke. Don't be embarrassed!" Reita said hugging her tightly before releasing her from his hug.
"I.... I...." she didn't what to say or how to react. So she sat there with a blushed face.
"Look it was a joke, I thought it'd be funny!"
"Kai, you're not helping." Reita glared at the laughing friend on the floor.
"Ayeee!" Kai calmed down and got back up on the couch, wiping away the tears froths eyes.
"Don't get too mad at him (y/n). You're his first girlfriend to have that set as their ringtone." Ruki added with a smile.
"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, Please don't be mad!" Reita begged, holding his girlfriend's hands in his.
"I... guess I'm more shocked than embarrassed or mad."
She explained
"I'll change it, o-"
"No. It's okay for now. You can keep it until I find a better ringtone for myself..."

And for four months, 'I like big butts' was (y/n)'s ringtone.
Lol! I hope you liked it. I'm not sure if anyone finds it funny, but, I guess the way my life currently is, is causing me to write whatever I find funny.
Yeah, things aren't so well over here. Enough. Hope you liked it! I have more to come! I really need to make a Kai and Uruha x Reader. Stay tuned for another Gazetto one-shot!
And I apologize for any miss spellings.
Bye-bye! (For now) ^ω^

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