Happy Birthday Kai!

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Sorry I'm so late!

"Oh fluff! I can't cook worth a fluff!"
You said in frustration as you threw a small bag of flour on the kitchen counter.
You sighed loudly and leaned your forehead on the counter.

Today was a special day for a special someone.
And you wanted to bake a cake, but you couldn't bake nor cook. What were you going to do?

"I'm leaving!"

You heard your boyfriend, Kai holler in a rush out the door.
You hollered back loudly as possible, even though you were sure he was already gone. You knew he was a busy body with his friends trying to start a band, and they're doing good. I mean, if you get more than 3 record labels to take interest in your music and asks you to sign to their label, you're doing better than good; perhaps you thought they're already got it made.
You sighed and clapped your hands together.
"Alrighty! Never be scared to try something new!"
Your confident side came out.

Attempt one...

"Sh!t! What'd I do wrong?!"
You curiously said. You knew followed every step carefully, but your cake came out tasting very funny.
"So then, let's try this again."

Attempt two...

You stood the kitchen sink with the water running as you tried to get the taste of salt out of your mouth.
"A little too much salt."
It said only a tea spoon. How much did you possibly mistaken it for, for the cake to taste like nothing but salt? That question was for another time.

Attempt three...

"This would be.. the perfect cake.." sarcasm filled your voice as you pulled out the cake from the oven after smelling the unpleasant scent of something burning.

"I give up!" You crushed the recipe in your clenched fist and three across the kitchen. With a frown on your face, you sighed and took some breaths.
"I can do it. Just, have fun doing it, don't stress it." You said to yourself, standing tall. You knew you weren't stressing it, you were excited, maybe too excited, that could be your problem right there.
"I've got this!" Again, your confident side came out with full potential.

Attempt four...

"This... is..." you stood bake and viewed your secession.
"The best and good tasting thing I've ever made!"
You squealed with excitement and happiness as you knew this was going surprise Kai with not only a delicious cake but with the fact that you cooked it.

Later that day...

"Happy birthday Kai."
You whispered & smiled to yourself as you finished sticking the last candle in the cake.
"This is going to be amazing!"
You looked at the clock and waited eagerly for Kai to get home in exactly 5 minutes.
You stared out the window waiting for him to drive up. But... he didn't show up. You sighed and thought of the many common reasons to be late.

You thought of getting caught in traffic, making a stop for gas, maybe him and the bandits an overtime talk with the record label, you thought many, and some weren't pleasant, and you had hoped that none of those is why he is late.

30 mins later...

Time passes, and you fell asleep on the couch, sound asleep, with Kai driving up in the driveway, for sure you, were going to miss him.
The sound of the car door shutting did not wake you up, nor did the sound of him unlocking the door, and not did his voice

"I'm home, babe!"

You didn't even move.

Kai dropped his bag to the floor and took his shoes off before walking into the living room, finding you sound asleep, with the cake on the table in front of you.
Kai chuckled as he saw the cake. He sat next to your sleeping figure and kissed your forehead, waking you up a little.
"Thank you, babe." He whispered softly in your ear. You woke up as you stretched and sat up.
"Uh, oh! Kai-!"
Before you could start, Kai placed his lips on yours and pulled you into a hug.
"Thank you and I love you."
You chuckled at the words out of Kai's mouth; and the feeling of his soft kisses down your neck.

"Happy birthday."
You whispered, focusing on the kisses.
"Do you have a present for me?"
Kai asked in a somewhat seductive voice. You chuckled and nodded a no. Kai came up to your face and whispered ever so seductively, "can I ask for whatever I want then?"
You blushed at this and only felt shameful because you knew what he was going to ask for and you were going to give it to him.

"Carry me."
Kai laughed and picked you up bridal style to the bedroom.

You two made passionate love that night and felt the feeling of true love for the first time.

Ano... kinda cheesy I know, but hey, I managed to write this while in an airplane, I actually just touched down in LAX here!
Happy Holidays y'all!
And remember, I'm taking requests since I'm back!

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